come on guys lets for once help this noob out. What you are trying to achieve is not impossible and actually very easy with the right mods. First get a milo can and cut a hole in the bottom of it and slip it over your stock exhaust tip, fastening it with twist ties from an old bread packet for light weight. Secondly your goin to need some power so head down to auto barn and get yourself some nos brand octane booster and double the recommended amount, this should give you roughly 1000 chw's (chicken-watts) as no one talks in kilowatts any more. Should you feel you need more though the usual suspects like mugen stickers and neons should get you where you wanna be power wise. Then thirdly and possibly most importantly you need to lower your car for better wind resistance, by removing 2 inches of spring from your factory coils (companies spend millions on developing these springs so no point actually changing them). Then finally you will require down force for all the new mods, if your on a budget id suggest ockey straping your mums ironing board to your boot should help. With there mods you should easily dispose of any gtr and exotic supercar that should cross your path. Cheers adam