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Everything posted by cammaS15

  1. Spotted a very nice white Stagea with an SAU sticker. I believe the owner is Marc at Discount Tyres in Belconnen. The champion got me some sweet tyres for the S15 (R888s). Another SAU member helps me out! Great stuff!
  2. Yep thats right Gus... But I went back out on Friday (21st Oct) and got some proper timing done. Quickest lap was a 1:10.9. Into the 10s oh yeah! Just about all the rest were in the 1:11s. The car is starting to develop some bad understeer that needs to be sorted in order to go quicker again. New Tyres might help also. From memory it was Jayce's first trip out in the GTR when he recorded slightly slower times but have no doubt he will be on the same kind of times or quicker before long...
  3. Nah, I think it's the same for passengers as it is for driver from memory. $40 a year for a license + $80 for the day. I could be wrong though. The more the merrier!
  4. No worries Gus. Thanks for taking the pics. Was a pretty good run with Jayce and I rounding up most of the cars out there. I just want the owner of the R33 GTR to give me a steer. We will be out again on 21st October with a few more cars.
  5. R31_silo2 if you want a lift just let me know 0407 202 348. I will be out there for most of the day (unless it rains in the arvo). I hope you change exhausts Jayce, sounds like I am missing out! I was going to do my usual trick of changing tyres out there but might chuck the semi's on tonight.
  6. Thats no good mate. Next time...
  7. A few of us are heading out to Wakefield for some track time on Friday if anyone is keen. Jayce will be bringing the R32 and I will have the S15 as per usual. Its an Open Practise Day so not competitive just a chance to drive your car like you want to in a safe environment and free from the Police. Meet at 7:30 at Shell servo near Exhibition Park. Let me know if you need any more info.
  8. Looks like some serious calipers on the front with the factory fronts on the back.
  9. Bah who cares what it looks like! Straight out to the track with it.
  10. If anyone has a spare 84K they wont miss, please send it my way (I will even pay for importing and compliance!)... if you cant see that one... http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h29103802
  11. Didn't see many skylines at the show. Managed to catch up with Jayce and Erica who managed to walk away with the Show n Shine Standout award. Well done guys. The valvebounce lads had some pretty good results. Chris managed just a shade under 400rwhp from his ute (carbie fed and N/A). He also walked away with best engine bay. Ben got 3rd in the burnout comp but was a little unhappy as the car had a miss both days, back to the dyno for more work! Currently looking at the possiblity of holding a similar event, including some track and show time. I will let the SAU guys know as soon as I know more...
  12. I work for the big T in Bruce (IT&T). Also do a little bit of web development here and there...
  13. I did actually WTF was with that! I was having dinner! haha
  14. Grabbed my copy from Jayce last night. Love your work guys (excellent sountrack too)! ACDC for the EH was gold!
  15. Any chance I can grab a copy of you Jayce? Was sick on Friday and out at Wakefield all weekend.
  16. Excellent! Will have to grab a copy. As for Friday, I might be a goer but I could be camped out at Wakefield. Any chance of giving you a DVD to burn it for me? Cheers!
  17. S15 (Obviously) APEXi Front Mount, AVC-R, Exhaust, partitioned filter, lowered springs, RE540's, DS2500's. Standard shocks, wheels, sway bars, brakes etc. Nothing special.
  18. Awesome day, the ute performed fautlessly and we were suprised at how well the little thing handled. Some pics up here for those interested... http://valvebounce.com/home/album_cat.php?cat_id=1
  19. Thanks guys I really appreciate it! Cant wait.
  20. I was looking forward to making an appearance before I found out I play futsal tonight at 7:30! Who organises a game to be played at the same time of origin!
  21. Update a 1:12:6 @ Wakefield (S15) http://www.natsoft.com.au/cgi-bin/results..../2005.WAKE.S3.Y Only really got 5 laps in for the day Expect the times to be a little better next time...
  22. Who else feels like they have gone 10 rounds with Tyson? Thanks to Jayce and Erica for the time recording and organisation skills. Couldn't have done it without them. BTW - I officially suck at the karts, Dan from valvebounce.com ran out the winner! woohoo! Next time SAU, next time.
  23. If only it was a week later! Next time. 1:10 is a out of my league until the suspension is modified and I can run some negative camber. That said I will give it my best shot ( a 1:11 would be nice!).
  24. I must have a problem. :crazy: Yes I am heading out to the track again on this coming Monday if anyone is interested in some track time. The main reason we are heading out is for some testing on a friends old EH (Group Nb race car) with its sexy new engine and for some setup and testing of teh recently finished SR20DET Datsun 1200 ute.
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