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Everything posted by cammaS15

  1. Hi all, Just a quick thank you for your help and support in getting this organised. Biggest thanks of all to Jayce for his financial assistance as well as organising everyone on the day (even got stuck with cooking duties). Also thanks to Stevie and Ewen for your help with the stickers and organising everyone on the day. It was a great meet with 152 paid cars and a total of $1732.75 raised. An excellent effort by all. The money will be given to the Australian Red Cross this week in the name of "Valvebounce Motorsport & Performance Car Association" which has been setup to run this and future events. Its a non-profit organisation, not a business so none of us benefit from tax reciepts. Was great to see such a mix of cars and enthusiasts. 99% of people at the event drove responsibly with only one person showing us how much of a tool they could be. Well I wont be organising another big cruise for a little while but will let you all know when its on. Next time I should have more time to organise a proper BBQ instead of focusing on unknown government related issues. Cheers Glenn EDIT: Pics will be put up on the site sometime this week. We took over 80 so will sort through them.
  2. I have PM'd Stevie about the media to see whats happening there. Speaking of media will be on 104.7 shortly...
  3. I have just gotten of the phone to the NCA and... We have been given approval. I feel like I have given birth. Everyone a big cheers to Jayce and Richard for there help getting this up and running. Its been a bloody long week but we have gotten there. The cruise will go on as originally planned. Meet at the National Museum of Australia @ 10am on Sunday. See you all there!!!
  4. Sorry to hear about your pride and joy mate. Your engine goes and your still assisting getting the cruise going. What a champion.
  5. At this stage its still on, I will update this forum should we run out of time and have to cancel.
  6. Will be on 104.7 shortly. At this stage the cruise is still going ahead. I have registered the Valvebounce Motorsport and Performance Association and once the documentation has been officially been registered by the Registrars Office I will be contacting the insurance company for Public Liability Insurance. Once thats done I will be contacting the NCA for final approval. No promises yet but we are trying all we can.
  7. Thanks for bringing this up with the SAU Execs Duncan, much appreciated. I am exploring another avenue as we speak so hopefully I can get this up and running. Its looking doubtfull at the moment but I will be trying everything I can. As I stated in a previous post, without the support of SAU's members this wouldnt have got to this stage. Update to be provided later on today...
  8. Michael, if they dont have PLI for non-CAMS related events Jayce has kindly offered to pay the $600 that it costs to get it for this event. Its up to SAU, but they shouldnt be pressured into something like this. They already provide a good service to us all. Would be great for publicity though, I would make it known that SAU NSW are the event organisers. Whatever happens we will try everything to get this back on track.
  9. SAU may be able to help but the issue is timeframe. It takes approx 6-8 weeks to get such an event pushed through CAMS for approval. If anyone knows of a business willing to pay $1300 for public liability insurance for the event and will become the main sponsor (and saviour) PM me ASAP.
  10. OK, I am checking out PLI this morning from a company that does one off events. If that fails it looks as though I will be going down the path of registering a local association with the purpose of running more events like this in the future (this time with PLI). I have posted up a link for those that might be interested. http://valvebounce.com/home/viewtopic.php?t=191 We arent dead yet...
  11. I agree, in fact I have all the paperwork including the "Associations Information Kit" in front of me. That would be my preferred option (SAU) otherwise I may well be going down the other path in creating a new incorporated association.
  12. I have approached SAU NSW to become an official event but this may not be suitable, especially on such short notice. Will see what they can come up with but it is short notice. It would give SAU great visibility being the main sponsor of such a big cruise but there are also insurance and internal approval to consider. Whatever the case, SAU have been the driving force being the cruise and as usual its community has got right behind it.
  13. No probs Stevie. Who needs NRMA when you have SAU Roadside Assistance.
  14. Well said mjfawke. It really sucks but its the legal system to blame, getting more like the states every day. This has already cost me a fair bit to setup so Im not going to give up yet. I am reviewing the documentation on starting up an association at the moment. If I am able to get a Canberra Motorsport Enthusiasts Association or similar started I will do it, then I apply for public liability insurance.
  15. Amaru - Not sure what the situation is with SAU NSW and who they normally arrange public liability insurance with but I have been in contact with Community Care who are able to provide public liability insurance for non-profit organisations fairly quickly. The approval is processed online and I have someone that will look at it straight away should we have an organisation ready to go. The problem is, if I name a time and place, I am deemed in a court of law, the event organiser and am potentially liable for any law suits. With 100 cars coming its a possibility. This may come down to me registering as an organisation. Its pretty sad this is required to raise funds for a good cause.
  16. Just sent Ewan an email, Duncan a PM. We arent gone yet, Jayce and I are trying everything to keep this going. For the record, even if we move the event somewhere else I am still liable as the event organiser should someone want to sue. If there were 20 or so cars I wouldnt be worried too much, with around 100 or so I am its a big risk. After the bloody approval process I have been through its bloody ridiculous that the NCA come back to me a week before the event. We will have to make this happen!
  17. As one of my mates put it, Welcome to the world of Government Bureaucracy. The NCA have contacted me this morning and require public liability insurance on my behalf before they will approve use of the car park. This puts a major dent in the plans of the cruise. I have contacted an insurance company that deals with charity organisations and unfortunately the cost will be around $600 as a minimum. They advised that we an event this big I am taking a massive risk of being sued should something go wrong. A disclaimer can only go so far, so my options are... 1. Up the cost of the cruise from $10 - $20. Being an upfront fee to be paid before the event so I know who is attending and part of the cruise (and to pay insurance). 2. In the event that I am able to pay for public liability I will have to use/start a non-profit organisation. 3. Cancel the cruise 4. Any ideas?
  18. Stevie, couldnt agree more mate. I have put up a post on the forums that I have advertised on saying that being a dickhead wont be tolerated. This is a good opportunity to get some good publicity for the modified car scene, especially imports as they have copped a hammering in the media lately. As the organiser, I dont want to be known as the guy who organised the cruise that turned to shit. Jayson - like your style.
  19. Maps posted up. We are ready to roll! :burnout: http://valvebounce.com/home/viewtopic.php?...=124&highlight=
  20. Should be plenty of room mate. Just been out there to discuss logistics with the Venue and Bookings Co-ordinator (she was very helpful) and I dont think we will have a problem.
  21. It has now been confirmed. The NMA has approved use of teh carpark. The museum carpark has been booked in for the 13th February from 10:00am to 11:00am. I will be there to co-ordinate where the cars are to parked for the meet before the drive. Just a reminder that driving like a tard is not acceptable. Here is an example of what happens when drives go wrong... http://forum.hot4s.com.au/messageview.cfm?...60&STARTPAGE=15 With the cars people are bringing to the event we dont want anyone being stupid and damaging our prides and joy. That said, should be a great drive and a big performance car meet for a good cause. Stevie - are you able to do your thing with the media?
  22. Thanks mate. As mentioned on my site I am still going through the approval process with the NCA and Museum to use the car park and have a meeting with the Venue and Bookings Coordinator to discuss logistics on Monday. Approval or otherwise will be provided on Monday. The destination will be the Cotter a map of the exact location will be provided closer to the date (once the meeting place is confirmed). We currently have 11 clubs confirmed that they will be making an appearance. This is going to be a big meet. Some clubs are thinking of going to the Kingo after the cruise so if your up for a few drinks, see you there!
  23. Stevie the NCA have been contacted and I require a joint decision from them and the Museum before approval to use the car park can be provided. I spoke to the Venue and Bookings Coordinator on Wednesday and she was confident about providing an answer early next week. Whats the plan with the Journos are they going to the meeting place or destination or both?
  24. Yep, Jayce brought it up with me and stickers is definately on the cards. Some good suggestions on the meeting place, thanks all. Once I find out the result about the Museum I will post up whether its a goer or we have to change.
  25. Cheers Jayce, PM sent back. I have spoken to the Venue and Bookings Coordinator @ the Museum as well as the National Capital Authority about the use of the car park. I should get an answer whether approval will be provided early next week. Another possible site for the start is up at Telstra Tower... and yep 13th is a Sunday
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