1. as a matter if fact i am not a huge fan of neons, i dont own any i dont want any
2. i am not a member of Rollaboys.
only reason i made my comments is because i deemed yours (and others) to be unfair. All you guys had to say was. That doesnt sound like something id do, then leave it at that.
Last time i looked a skyline was an import. and due to the fact that there isnt a actual SAU club as such dont you think this would be an ideal place to try to get members to form your new import club.
P.S - Paul is right, everyone is entitled to their opinion be it good or bad. Therefore i am not taking any comments as a personal attack but am just trying to see it from their side for once. If i was the president of that club and i read this i would honestly develop a bad opinion of most skyline drivers. Which is a shame really because the majority out there are top guys and girls.