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Everything posted by Psiker

  1. i dont see mid 200's as to unnatainable. My Auto with just FMIC catback and 10.5 psi makes 225rwhp. Ill be going to autosalon this year. I go every year. Sure you see the same stuff sometimes but if you realy love your cars and the import scene then you should support these events by walking thru the door. Good Luck to SAU this year. See if you can top the likes of SilviaWA and Antilag
  2. Thanx for the kind words guys. She wasnt reversing. She was turning right onto willmott dve in rockingham. (not going to fast or anything, witness has testified this) road was greasy and car hit some loose shit. Tail has comeout. She has panicked and hit the wrong pedals. Car has spun a few times and slid backwards up the persons front lawn into thier carport. Insurance has said that they will cover it. My excess is gonna be $1400 and if it is written off i get first dibs on the wreck. All my mods are covered too which is handy.
  3. My fiancee had an accident in Psiker today She is ok which is the most important thing. Hopefully I can get the line back on the road in a short time. (If its not written off) P.S sory for pic size
  4. 1) It is highly unlikely banks will give you a loan. 2) Buy yourslef a bunky for a first car. Mine was a TR Magna, Big comfortable and not overly quick. but still looked great for a first car. I tell you now.buy yourself a bunky and start saving some cash. When you have the cash for a deposit go to the bank, or keystart and get yourself a house loan. Buy a house. Once you have bought the house banks will throw money at you because almost instantly you have equity. Then get yourself the car of yuor dreams. Cars are a massive sinkhole. You never make money from them and bank know this too. Houses on the other hand, unless you treat them like utter shit, will always make you money and you find banks will be more open to lending you the money. Or as dan (i think) said. Go on a holiday. At that age you dont need to get yourself in debt that is basically lost money that soon. P.S - im sorry if this is fairly uncoherent.. I have just been woken up by a mouse at work and my eyes are hanging out of my head.
  5. awesome damo and kym thanx alot. Ill get one of u guys to give me a hand when i get the safc. It looks like with the final tune it really sorted out a big hole that you had in your power too damo. And your afr's look real good.
  6. I'm getting one of these for xmas and was just wondering if it is difficult to install myself or am i better off getting someone proffesional to help me. As i'm getting married soon i can't really afford to workshop it so if its easy I would like to do it myself. Thanx alot guys and girls. edit:/ P.S i know i could search guys but im at work and the computers at my work bite balls. Sorry for SAFC thread 2 gazzillion.
  7. I will try to be there. If im working i will be *cough* *cough* sick. Need to take the taxi for a long one for once. will give me an excuse to wash it too.
  8. havent seen it yet as im at work. but yes you are right. Kym( Strich9) does prefer guys. he is a flaming homosexual.
  9. awesome thaks dan. this is something i think i want to get involved in. so i want to research it as much as i can.
  10. can i just come to watch this? i would be really keen to come along
  11. To the person who said Sin City is crap........... Go read the comics. then you may have a clue. It is quite possible the best comic book adaption i have seen in a long long time. But then you probably like The Hulk. (which is refferenced below) I personally can't stand girly movies like "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "If These Walls Could Talk". They are my most hated. Worst movies I have seen IMHO - Battlefield Earth, Starship Troopers 2, The new Rollerball, The Hulk. Best Movies IMHO, Murderball, Donnie Darko, Supersize Me, Termiantor 2, Aliens, Predator. LOTR. (edit:add American History X)
  12. I was out clubbing and returned to find my house had a window smashed. I called the police and was told that my call wasn't important enough and they had no one they could send to my house. They told me I would have to go to the Rockingham Station on Monday and that, if possible, they may send a car around. I got pulled over for allegedly doing 5km/h over the speed limit, on a reading taken on the police cars speedo. Now tell me i shouldn't bag cops. I respect them. And i don't generally bag them, unfortunatly though im better off taking the vigilante approach IMHO. That said "Officer Holland" has turned out to be a prank. Yet he serves as a timely reminder to us that Police do read forums and moniter what goes on.
  13. blame me for the blurry photo. i was fkn cold an my hand was shaking. but if its too blurry for you its says 11.810 fkn nice effort man!
  14. Hi, my auto 4 door did a 14.8 with only a pod filter and some wider tyres. so its not too bad. that was on caltex fuel also. i will tell you how it goes once i get the work done to it next week
  15. i also remeber rousy coming on a a forum and writing that fiddy. i will try to find it to link it up. on a side note. i live in rocko and the 3 white R33's that i have seen lately have been my 4 door and 2 others that dont have much done but no gauges also. i dont know if the story adds up. there are a few tossers in rocko. but on the way to work i had a Red VY clubsport fly right up my ass when i was on my way to work. he pulled along side of me and stared revving wanting to race. when i didnt bite he took off cutting some old lady off in a lantra. this shit happens to me all the time. i dont make threads about it. i also saw about 3 weeks ago a P plater vl driver at the big roundabout and next to him was a lancer everyday with 3 young guys (P platers) in it. the lancer guys where being tossres giving him shit. so he decided to fly around the roundabout. the tail got out. vl spun sideways hit a kerb. flew up in the air spinning and landed infront af a lady walking her 5 year old sone i think that rousy has tried to paint all skyline owners as tossers when in actual fact there are tossers in all sorts of cars.
  16. my first reaction was to say tennesee but on topic. i havent seen him post in a while hey can't help u d00d. ask strich9 i think he knows him in RL
  17. got mine from gumballer6 posted as i read the whole thread and this name hasn't been mentioned lol i read it and went wrf. sif im fast
  18. Psiker


    i like a wide array of music Linkin Park, Blink 182, Greenday, Offspring, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Bloodhound Gang, Moby, The Rat Pack (sinatra,martin, davis jr, lawford & bishop), Eminem, Dr Dre, Hunters and Collectors, Phil Collins, N*E*R*D, Tenacious D, Sum 41. They are all my Faves ATM occasionally a new person gets in there and fades out
  19. i know your car as soon as i see it troy so i will be looking hard in the rockingham area for you mate. i am really sorry to hear this. i have ridden in MSTRYODA and it is a great car good luck man i'm sure that it will turn up and these punks will get what they deserve...........
  20. meh i have been here since 2002. i was here when i still drove my excel everywhere. I don't post much any more. Reason: Everytime i read a threads started by one of the younger crew there is always some old school lurker waiting there to dis them and tell them they are a noob and to f**k off etc. So i jump in make one post brandishing my crusade sword. then get told that i havent read the old skoolers post correctly and instead of being blatantly sarcastic narcissistic and nasty it is actually all said in jest. (and its not just from the old skooler it's also from mates who i have known for many many moons and they would rather defend people they are trying to look up to instead of backing up their mate) I really cbf with posting much any more. I would rather read the dates of the cruises and try to attend (work permitting). I am yet to sign up as a member of SAU but on the other hand i am always willing on cruises to throw money in the kitty for you guys and help with cooking or other pleb related tasks. Quite frankly the state of the forum has gone down hill not just from the stupid, banal and uninteresting posts from the new "younger" guys but also from the elitism of the "older" crew. Hell. I'm part of the older crew and i even find myself being ignored on cruises and such mainly for the fact that im a bit nervous meeting new people and no one ever makes the effort to meet me. (exluding a few people who know me and have met me and talk to me everytime) New guys feel more than welcome to come talk to me at cruises and such. i may not be great techincally but at least i'll have a laugh with you. Anyways guys overall 95% of you are great. I'm sure that over time the forums will improve. I remember back in early 2003 there were posts about the forums going down hill etc. Its all cyclic IMHO and SAUWA Forums will rise again ready for a new set of noobs to annoy you and make you want to leave -Paul
  21. yeah i know. probably the most scathing and articulate thing I've ever written but i feel like a dick now lol
  22. lol txs man. i just link straight to the forum so no i didnt notice it
  23. ........... sorted
  24. before i go on i have to say this.... Ferris think about it. he says he has a 1.3lt then a rotor. 13b means anything? on topic: once my line is serviced (hopefully this week) im going to be heading down just cause i love it. i loved my first time. It was in my excel i ran 18 seconds then kymmah goes lets take of the air box. WOh mumma 17.8 thanx for racing. was the best experience of my life. on the way back down the return lane some trevs leant over the fence and told me to get a real car and what the hell am i racing that slow heap of shit for. I just asked them "wheres your car or are you to afraid" and kept driving. so yeah go to the drags, have some fun. pretend you're Victor Bray and take in the abuse from treva, bazza, shazza and the crew and it will be a great night. hopefully i will see some of you down there. Ill be a white 4door with a wishlist of things i don't have (thanks dad). GTR spoiler and 18" Rims.
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