i hope the bank will give me this loan. i really need anew pc. this one has so many probs. u need to press the space bar just to get it to start up. then it wont switch off thru windows
lol. i was driving home from work the pther day and my car was making this really phucced up noise. got in the driveway and looked. some bastard had undone my wheel nust almost all the way off. this was april first.
cool thanx man pm'ed ya then
remember to tell me how much u want for em too. dont want to put ya out of pocket. (not too much though pls im poor )
bah was trying to fugure out this thats life puzzle and didnt even look at the clue. trying everything and the clue was "a herb" straight away i yelled "correander" im so dumb lol
i dont see the point in ricing up cars like this sirion thats goin round rocko. and it dissapoints me to see ppl rice up cars tht are already good looking like the MKIV Suplah though
lol. what part of tech? car tech and all that or computer tech? dont hate me cuz i like the rice. i do prefer non ricey cars. just a soft spot from way back
i have a rice sticker on the rear qtr panel of my car (rice being rocko import car enthusiasts) and i keep getting ppl in commos and sh1t saying things like at least u know the truth mate and all that
i think its funny