yeah. im feeling all good dont work again till saturday now. which sux. guy at work tried to put me down as filling in for him friday night with out even asking. i ranted and am not working friday now
aidwin lol. tell em to hurry up, or ull get ur sau buddies to make em hurry in other words
joe- im just gonna callu jerry seinfeild from now on :D
but yes my leg is feeling better now thanx for asking
lol last thing stoopid my bro sed wh ndrunk was "chantelle has some nice titties they are really nice" (she was a skank) and "this is my keycard, this is my pinnumner theres like 700 dollars in here, get me beer "
i made this bella chick fall in love with me. then invited her over. she brought her husband and i kissed her and gave her a bhack rub in front of him. i was out for like 15 minutes
lol i remember the avatar.
ur sister has a cool toy tell her to send it over here. i like toys like that. just bought a matchbox 350z.
i havendt done nething to my car. just drove it harder than most softc0cks who bring their exccels down. there was a supercharged one there that does 17.3 so im close
i cant beleive u ppl are just waking up. it s a wonderful day outside and ur all in on ur pc's tsk tsk
but then i dit get drunk or nething. i played "the sims" yolonde's sim is now a lesso cause i destroyed her realtionship with mine
i was born in hastings on the mornington penninsula. and i lived for 3 years in a town called seymour bout 100kms north of melbourne.
i like vic. but prefer here