Although i tend to agree with you mate. i think gradenko has a point in sayin that the freeway is a safer place to speed. due to one reason. it is a road designed to make it accesable for a higher speed. Pedestrains arent allowed on the free way, it is a solid and smooth tarmac road, wide, and well lit. But due to the fact that it is a heavily used road it is policed more closely than a country road.
The speeding on a country road is in fact more dangerous due to the fact that they dont receive regular maitenance, usually have god awful ditches on the side, are made from that crappy stone sh1t, and more often than not have blind corners. Plus dont forget they generally arent wide enough to support two cars. (i am talking real country roads. not major roads that cut thru the country . I.E Armadale)
In saying this i dont condone speeding and am proud to say i havent had a fine since November 2001. But please. just think about it. even though country roads are less policed. they are in no way safer to speed on than the free way.