if they did a celebrity death match with delta and holly delta would win
it like that song
"i wanna do it with delta. i wonder if i could get holly to wanna do it with deltaaaaaaa"
my panties are in the shape of non turbo 4cyl rice burners
so there cheap but they aint goin nowhere fast
ive only sold two
holly valnce pfft
pales in comparison to delta
hey there hey his
my god how many people are goin nuts over ashanti. now if delta goodrem was there i would be going
YAY DELTA.... no she is hot
heh will do paul
$25- geezus i sold my own panties to myself for 20
this is outrages what are u trying to do corner the dirty panty market
wheres cam. it gets too quick for him and he just drops off the pace
hes on after the break. cool im getting all excited.
bah my girlfreind just drew all over my back in poen cause im concentrating on whoring to much and not on her
where do u think all ur mods come from.
u have a subscriber base of 600 lonly prison cellmates who just need that extra little spice in their life. plus they dont have nething else to spend 29.95 on for 3 months
we can change the topic to vibrators if u want.
i was thinking bout getting my other half one for her b'day on friday
but then thought. "OMG im replacing myself"
so i thought better of the idea
any ideas what to get her?
yeah but remember u have a month extra membership on me
i have to admit man u are a god amongst whores
it sux hicks doesnt have the net either. some of his whoring wasnt too bad either
and it pissed skyzerr off
which is always fuynny
i wonder who will be the first person to try to go to that link??
*secretly highlights and presses ctrl-c then ctrl-v"
its v-spec nude dot com!!!
lol. paul ... no. my girlfreind is reading it to me. i just happened to tune in on her then for some reason
P.S Gerbils are the smaller cousins. and are always jelous of their well endowed guinea pig relatives