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Everything posted by Psiker

  1. ehehe yeah make sure you remove my face. all pics prolly turned out making me look like john candy or some Sh** i thought i remembered that canopy. most exciting thing i saw was some pretty hot chick get dacked by her boyfreinds mate. lol
  2. Good Pics man. u must have been right near where me and my mates where on the day hey. i think i remember being near on of those stoopid canopy things Psiker
  3. heh yeah i spose thats teh go. might go for a walk down the deli see what in there
  4. lol a whore land for wa. its all good. cant believe im so bored i just read all 17 pages of dribble. although the hicks vspec thing was funny for a while. Gonna Post this here cuz i dun know where else to post it Does ne one know of any import dealerships in WA that are Selling EvoIII lancers , or GSR's. Ive looked every where and can only find EvoIV and VI hopefully once i get my sh*t together i may get a good car (in my opinion ne way) Thanx
  5. First Of All GTS-t Vspec, Don't you thinkn that it is time to start toning down on the abuse of hicks. what he did was an act of peer pressure. im sure that when u were 19 you did a few silly things that resulted in bad happenings because of Peer Pressure. and yes i was on of those that said "Go on Ben U can do it mate!" So really enuff is enuff. Also to bag someones family like that its just asking for a beating. (u have no right to call his father stu[id when u dont know him) which would look real good if u went to teach at uni with a couple of black eyes. So please just let sleeping dogs lie. his clutch is fixed its all over god dammit. on a lighter note. did ne one hear bout the guys in the commy who stole the number plate of a radar camera guys car and the procceded to do bog laps past the camera at 110 in a 70 zone. lol commy drivers are good for something!
  6. cool. i think i might have to download myself photoshop. see what i can do with it.
  7. cool pics man. how did u get ur engine to show thru ur bonnet like that? is that ur engine or another photo?
  8. Drag wars was pretty cool. some of the joys being kym running a high 14 Hicks running 13.7 bully's 14.3 The only real bad was hicks stuffing his clutch. was a hot day though
  9. ahaha i would love to get myself an import well see how it goes. And i have absoloutly no illusions of making this car something its not so u dont have to worry. it just gets me from a-b. Psiko: nice nick urself i might be familiar if u ever used to play counter strike. i played for bout 3 yrs then gave it up. (read moved out of home and no net for ages)
  10. that sux u think u skyline ppl would have time for cruising on sat night. although i know some ppl are getting their cars ready for tommorow oh well u can still cruise freo with 3 ppl and turn heads
  11. LOL! if there was a snowballs chance in hell of putting them on a excel i might be interested. but then i need $ to be interested with
  12. I would go but two probs 1: Work 2: My Car Wouldn't Keep Up Damn
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