Hi Guys,
I am very keen to buy an R34 Skyline (no, not A GTR as I can't afford one).
Is there a page on this forum/site with exact specs for all models of R34,ie manual, auto & the features?
I guess what I am looking for is a brochure like you would pick up in a dealership.
Aslo, any feedback on what you R34 owners (or ex-owners) think of the 34.
Did Nissan only make a GT-T & GTR in this model?
What would you expect to pay for one & more importantly what should you look out for when buying a second hand grey import. ie wear & tear, etc for the number of kms. Is there any tell-tale signs of a windback by looking at the car?
One more qn... What does a 100,000 kms service cost (incl timing chain/belt)?
Any other info all greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys.