I hope this hasnt been asked before, I did a seach but couldnt find anything on it.
I have a silvia with an RB20, wolf 3d all the other crap. I have a t3/4 on it now but have a TD06-19C to go on to replace the t3/4. I bought the car off a friend witha blown motor which happened from a company tuning it for boost and made it go bang. anyway, back to the main question,
With my TD06-19C and wolf 3d and GTR injectors (which I am thikning of buying), what kind of power would I be looking at? I dont want to buy the GTR injectors and find they are too small and I have to get something later, or if I upgrade the turbo again later I will have to do the injectors too.
I am sure there are lots of you out there with GTR Injectors in your RB20s, so please let me in on your knowledge!
Thanks alot.
Rhys Hutcheson.