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  1. Congratulations! What lense did you use for the motion shots?
  2. Who would have though indeed.... *cough* Edward Cullen!!!!!! *cough*..... HAHA :-)
  3. I'd come but I'm going to Melbourne :-P...
  4. I hate insurance LOL
  5. Hey guys, While looking through some of the other forums etc. I stumbled accross this really good idea whereby another SAU member has posted up how much his car costs him in the interest of saving younger people getting into too much debt because they went out and bought a lemon or whatever, which is quite... . The idea of the thread is to allow current and perspective Skyline owners to post up what it costs to maintain their car to the level that they maintain it too, factoring the modifications done to the car and how they treat it. Here's the info or template if you will: Car make/type/model: Nissan Skyline R???? Year: ? Overall condition of car: 1/10 (broken and undrivable) to 10/10 (showroom) How is the car treated: 1/10 (I drive like a grandmother) to 10/10 (I circuit race and drive like a Stig on speed and my name is Reece McIntosh (Turismo)) Maintenance level: 1/10 (I put fuel and sometimes oil in it) to 10/10 (I am a majority shareholder of Nissan... A.K.A. My name is Reece) Modifications: Stock/bolt on's only/Internals/full house Insurance: None/3rd party/Full comprensive/Other Estimaged power: ? Estimated to the tank fuel usage: ???KM to the ??L tank Estimated $ spent per year to maintain: $xxxx per annum / $xx / month (NOT COUNTING UPGRADES or Registration) So my reasoning is to give local peeps an idea of what they are up for in a local market place with Canberran conditions in mind. Also, in the original thread there were a HELL of a lot of people who posted stats on R33 GTS-Ts and I know that there is a pretty strong 32 culture in ACT so I would be curious to see the difference. Pat
  6. Don't start, sweaters are cool.... Oh my god. My head is going to kill me tomorrow.... damn it. Oh well work at 9 here I come. :-)
  7. Come to think of it I think that may have actually been his old car. Yeah, license plates started with ZZ and were six characters long....?
  8. Hey hey! I didn't get a chance to jump on yesterday but I spotted an R32 GTST in purple with P plates on it out the front of Woden Hoyts at about 3ish.... The sad thing is I also saw a black Ford Territory reverse parralel park into it's front bar!!!!!!! If you own this car or know who does PM me!!! I have the rego details of the Ford - incase you didn't get them :-D Imagine if they didn't leave the details and thought they got away with it ( ) ... little did they know SAU people are everywhere
  9. Spotted! Shall in her new sexy yellow GT-T on Hindmarsh this afternoon at about 4:15.... There was a wave! Good stuff :-)
  10. Hi mate, still forsale? I'm interested but I can't seem to view your photos.
  11. Ok.. so now all I have to do it figure out how to upload this Smiley permanently... :-)
  12. SOooooooooOOOOOSOOOOoooooSOOOOOO envious
  13. White R35 GT-R turned off Northbourne onto Masson St and then pulled over..... *drewl*
  14. Awwww.... would you like a can of HTFU? ;-).... Just joking.. it was pretty cold. The three of us had to decide which one would be killed and eaten simply sustain body warmth.... needless to say; I'm still here... Can't say the same for DONNAN though. R.I.P. Michael Jackson and Donnan.
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