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    R32 GTR

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  1. There is the least amount of room on the 32 compared to the 33 and 34. I know about the plenum, did it twice, as the first time it didn't seal properley I was using the cometic gaskets, I'd strongly suggest using some loctite copper gasket sealant, if you want to know the exact product I can have a look tomorrow. Havn't bothered with the idle valve yet, got some other stuff to do so I'm just going to leave it to last.
  2. No I didn't clean the throttle bodies, I think you are right about running rich for a while, should sort it. Still havn't attempted it yet, been too cold and raining and christmas!
  3. Well wish me luck, I'm going to attempt it without removing anything first, and if needs be take the damn plenum off, arghhhhh!
  4. Ongoing problem with high idle, it's the only thing left, a few other people with the same problem have had sucess changing it.
  5. Yeah AAC is no problem, I just really don't want to take the damn plenum off again!
  6. Hi chaps, is it possible to replace without removing the plenum, havn't had a chance to have a look and wont see the car before the weekend now and kinda need to know if I'm going to do it or not depending on plenum removal... Cheers PIC: http://www.skylineowners.com/forum/attachm...achmentid=33790
  7. I prefer a cleaner less cluttered looking engine bay as do a lot of people. I respect your view if you want to keep it. The car was also designed to stay at stock boost and not have boost restrictors removed, d-cat's etc etc etc, pointless argument. If you don't want to do it, don't do it, if you do, and many do there is a nice tutorial for you. BTW liking your rebuild thread
  8. Just read the tutorial, if you want to remove it, that's the way...
  9. I think you guys do it different over there, a lot of our Skyline's have done over 100,000km + we can fit/remove whatever we want to out cars without hiding or what not, we don't have compliance checks just a basic MOT and you can have the biggest turbo sat under bonnett with electronic gizmo's and catch tanks where ever you want, the police have no power to tell us how we mod our cars. The only thing they get annoyed by is really dark tinited windows
  10. Thanks for the help chaps, still not sure what to go for, some of the makes we don't have over here, think I've narrowd it down to 2 or 3 now...
  11. Couldn't copy and paste it as the forum won't accept the way the pics are, it's my work and most have found it very usefull, so
  12. I'm after a new one for christmas but she needs to know what to buy, can any one suggest any other brands than snap on, the two that I like from the snap on range are: http://buy1.snapon.com/catalog/item.asp?P6...amp;dir=catalog and http://buy1.snapon.com/catalog/item.asp?P6...amp;dir=catalog Is there any other options? I checked Halfords but even their so called proffesional range is very poor, flimsey looking units.
  13. Has any one done this before, I'm ok on repairing the holes, scratches and scuffs but have never been told the correct way to get rid of all the old paint and preping it ready for the new stuff. Can some one tell me the way or is there a link to a tutorial some where on the net with pics?
  14. http://www.skylineowners.com/forum/showthr...8154#post758154
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