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Rusty Nuts

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Rusty Nuts last won the day on February 8 2020

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    R33 25/30neo&R33Gtst
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  1. Hardy Spicer, Eagle Farm charged me $597 for two piece rebuild as above including pickup and delivery from my workshop ya got ripped.
  2. I think you are on the money, with the water ports.
  3. I have ALWAYS put them back and never had a head gasket issue. Nissan do not put parts in for fun.
  4. And, you are all playing nicely with our mechanically challenged friend, Big thumbs up.
  5. And that is correct. In a past job I used to sell container loads of food grade Phosphoric Acid to Amatil (Coca-Cola) at French's Forest for the coke.
  6. Phosphoric works but can be harsh, safer option use cleaning vinegar available from Bunnings at $3/2litres.
  7. Its had a lot less bumshine time than your drivers seat obviously.
  8. Absolutely agree, but more to the point have used the same method without that big ass bolt ever coming loose. Or stripping same big ass bolt. Not swinging on the pipe, just using arms.
  9. 5 Feet of 32mm steam pipe on the end of my 1/2" socket wrench works every time.
  10. Something else is wrong then, I run sphericals on both R33's with no increase in NVH.
  11. Well that will push the scrap price of Honda Concerto's up at least $50.
  12. Hah sure Johnny, that's what they all say! But I will check the parts dept, don't have a pedal but have bolts and a flex plate somewhere, will search and P.M.
  13. And he probably drank that coffee that goes through a Civet's bum at USD750/kg. Us peasants use name brand filters at the best price. I also use 15208-55Y0A got a shrink wrap pack of 10 a few years ago for practically nothing from the local stealer.
  14. None of the manuals show disassembly, because the parts are not available individually. But old mate's problem is he took it apart without taking pictures and is unsure if its assembled correctly.
  15. Nissan Stagea Rb25 Neo IACV clean on youtube
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