But, if you were at TDC your yellow marks show that the chain is two links out already. The only way you can do it now is old school roller pin counting using your yellow marks, the balancer marks and the exhaust cam mark ending up vertical in the 12 o'clock position, I have done it this way with a twin cam Alfa Romeo. You will have to install the tensioner properly first to rotate the engine, to get the tensioner to insert you need more slack on the chain on that side, you need to rotate the inlet cam anticlockwise to remove the slack in the chain between the cam sprockets without moving the crankshaft from its TDC position. Once you have the chain tensioned properly there are a few know dimensions which will tell you if the timing is right.
1. you have a TDC mark on the crank pulley
2. you have a yellow mark on the exhaust cam sprocket
3. there are 48 roller pins between the TDC link and your yellow mark link.
Once you have identified the link by counting 48 roller pins from your yellow mark, You start by rotating the engine until this TDC link is positioned at the mark on the exhaust sprocket and the exhaust mark is perfectly vertical(12 o,clock) then rotate the crank clockwise until the yellow exhaust mark is perfectly vertical (12o'clock) and then check the position of your balancer mark, if all is correct the balancer mark will line up. Take a look at page EM-24 in the manual I posted up, there is a picture of the chain that will help. I hope I have explained that well enough, if you have any questions just ask.