yeah shell last I was told hes back in QLD & still got his full house 31 too
lol don't knock em till u try em shell THERE SOME THING ELSE!!!!!!!
If u still got my phone number its the same as last time u were down or if not I'll Pm u with it any way so what date u get in????? B)
Hey shell will be good to see you & catch up again been a little while hu
Hey also slips back in QLD so I have been told give me a call once u get up here will have to go get a coffee or some thing
lol new Zeds = the crap old school Zeds = Nice
the old VG30 single cam single turbo motors in the old Zeds have more power then the quad cam twin turbo motors in the 90 models B)
yeah I know with the insurance been there done that lost over $1000 worth of gear out of my old surf, makes u really want to find the turd that did it & snap there fingers off one segment @ a time
hope u still have a good xmas bud B)
yeah I'll agree with u there Isaac does look out of place with all the square lines on the 31s dash but hey would of saved a lot of stuffing around with the wiring etc etc nice job though B)
the R31s are well knowen for the sort problem it sound like you might have, the tail shafts throw the balance weights off & @ around 80 too 100 k it shudders might be worth taking the shaft out & have it balanced....
any one know some one with a RB30DET powered patrol could give him a taste of his own medicine make him eat tow bar , dip shit just because u don't want to race he trys to piss you off to get u to
If U R Here like NAR33 said YOU ARE A COCK HEAD