I can't beleive that story.
ACA has been making up, sensationalising and exagerating stories for years. Its what they do, usually it'll be a battler that people can relate to having a hard time from some heartless government department. I work for a govt department that has been the subject of one of these "reports" and can tell you the way the stories are shown, and what really happens while they are reasearching is different.
I was asked to be interviewed (via phone). I told them no, no comment, they would need to ask the right people (media branch). Then they ambushed me out the front of my office while going home. Then they found where I lived and sent a different person (attractive lady) over to try again.
So ACA is not innocent at all.
Stereotypes exist because your brain, like the rest of you, wants to be lazy. Its easier to label a person as soon as you see them (looser, nerd or a racist term) rather than getting to know them and making an evaluation on a case by case basis. It would be safe to beleive that if a police person has had a lot of bad experiances with a certain group, his/her attitude will extend to all members of the group. So, by going off, yelling or showing disrespect to the police you are making the label for the group you represent worse. (be it hoon, male, female, black white or whatever)
It unfortunate, but "yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir" is the only way to deal with police, you may not feel that you should have to, and you may resent them for pulling you over and carrying on.... but they can. Its the law, and its just that simple. If you don't like it, don't drive anymore. I've been walking to work for the last few months and have not been pulled over once on my way. If you think its not fair, or you really are direspected take thier number, follow the right course like you'd want someone to do for you. Our system is not perfect, but who are we to decide when justice should be issued. If everyone did that, there would be chaos..
I'm not suggesting all the police do a great job, but there are some who do, I think the odd a#$hole policeman has ruined their reputation just like the behavious of a few d$%khead modded car owers ruin ours.