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Everything posted by WHITER33GTS-T

  1. Just look on the website and order it from there. Thats all i did. Then the guy rang me the next day and gave me a better deal.
  2. Oops.. Thats what i meant bottle warmer


    Im starting to get organised for Powercruise and am after some 15,16,17 or 18 inch rims to buy or borrow to suit nissan 5 stud. Also will need tyres to suit above. If someone wants to lend me some tyres i can guarentee the will be totally stuffed by the time i am done. haha Donations of tyres with good tread would be great Im sure i will put on a good show _________________
  4. Got mine from Vpw for just over $900 150hp kit with bottle blanket, purge kit, fogger nozzle, high flow valve, high flow filter, pressure guage and freight to Tassie
  5. Have ordered lots of new parts for my 33. So will be at powercruise to put on a show. Or blow the engine......
  6. Hahaha didnt even notice that. Was to keen searching for a nos kit.
  7. You should bring your 33 down
  8. Dont be soft Stu. Bring the GTR out for a play
  9. Will be there for sure
  10. Would come out for a run but dont think my gearbox would be up for the job. Might come for a look
  11. My Jim Berry clutch has been going strong for over 2 years. I went with this clutch after my Nismo twin plate started slipping
  12. Nice work mate. Not quite 500hp How much boost were you running?? Do we get to see a dyno sheet???
  13. He isnt having much luck. Cats are over rated. Mine was tuned with a 4" sidepipe. lol I have a Blitz DSBC and when it was turned on in would boost spike to over 1.8 bar with no control at all. When turned off it runs constant 1.2bar
  14. Thats a big call mate. I hope you have your reasons for a statement like that!! (reads rest of thread) He did all my tuning work and fitted Haltech E11v2 to my twin turbo RB25 and made 399rwkw @ 17psi. I wont take my car anywhere else. Also as for the cops down here, my 33 has a external gate and did have a 4" side pipe for a while and never got pulled over (unless I was being a tool) You should have no problems unless you hoon around boosting everywhere. Cheers, Rob
  15. any chance you could find out about freight to tassie. Cheers
  16. mine are standard but after a few applications of the brakes at speed then soon die off. Am looking at some R33 GTR rotors as a little upgrade.
  17. Cograts on having your baby for 1 year. Nice work. What mods have you got planned for the future?
  18. I hope the weather comes good for you guys coming down. Its been raining here the last few days. LOL I think Tassie will lose
  19. dont know mate. I want to have a play out there once i get some bigger brakes
  20. Come on. Less chit chat more engine building
  21. Still no news????
  22. I guess 245rwkw. What ever it makes you will be bored of it within a week.
  23. I have twin T3/T4s on my RB25 and that makes 399rwkw on 17psi and reving to 8000rpm. What about a T04Z or T51R???
  24. But the extra weight adds to traction. Thats what I say anyway
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