Hello. Here is a permanent solution to fixing those faded skyline headlights. One of my mates from tafe inspired the idea.
Pretty much I was sick of polishing my lights every 3 months after the plastic oxidized itself again.
Here is a pic of my car with the dull look headlights
If you are going to DIY this I would recommend some previous spray painting experience and also good safety gear like a respirator and good ventilation (preferably a booth of some sort). If not take the lights to a paint shop, I can’t see it would be very pricey to do a small job like this.
Here are the materials I used
Plastic Primer
Antistatic plastic cleaner
2 pak clear
2 pak hardner
2 pak reducer
2" masking tape
1 bucket of water
1000 grit wet and dry sandpaper
Tools used
3.5hp air compressor
1.4mm spray gun
Screwdriver and socket set
1 - Ok first of all u will need to remove the grill (held on by a few clips) then remove the headlights (few bolts on the rad support and 2 small screws underneath)
2 - place the headlights on something stable, fill a bucket with water (and a dash of truckwash if u like), soak a sponge in the water and run it over the headlight plastic while sanding with 1000 grit paper until the whole light is a fine haze of scratches.
3 - Dry the headlights off, use a clean rag and wipe over with the plastic cleaner.
4 - Mask around the outline of the headlight (not totally necessary, just me being fussy) use an airblower to remove any dust from the lights.
5 - Pour about 100ml plastic primer into spray gun and place a light coat over the lights (allow a minute or 2 to dry)
6 - Mix up the clear. the one I used was 4 parts clear, 1 part hardner and about 10% thinner. Now spray a light coat over the lights (just enough to make the lights look clear)
Allow a couple of minutes for coat 1 to tack off and put a final coat on (so the finish looks nice and smooth)
Give it about a day to dry hard, fit them back up to the car, and never have to polish up dull lights again