i got mine from Shy180 on the forums too.
Hey Cubes, what type of metal did u use to block the bov? and what did u do to block the vac line?
im considering doing this after what ive read here
sorry to hear about the defect GTT
i went past the same rbt and i was holding my breath, cos i had a feeling they would be picking on imports, they didnt wave me in though.
yeah its basically a 90 degree bend with inlets for the bov pipe and oil breather, nothing fancy really, i also needed different sized silicon hoses.
heres that thread i mentioned earlier
spotted a black R34 findon rd this morning, had a gtr badge but im not sure it was a gtr as the badge was too close to the boot corner and it didnt look to have wide enough guards?
bob jane is useless! ever since i learned of the details i personally boycott any of his stores and advise my friends the same. i cant believe he could just let a prime sa motorsport venue die like that. but then again sa still has anzac raceway
i went to wall t wall this morning only to find they were closed, then i ran outta phone credit. i ended up going to wheelworx on sth rd, they were pretty good too. thanks for all the suggestions guys, much appreciated!