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Everything posted by SkylineR33Lad

  1. I know this is a big ask. But does anyone live around Sydney north shore and willing to come give me a hand this weekend. Really would be appreciate!
  2. Thanks Ben. I have put a timing light on it when it is cranking and it is in the middle of the timing marks I think there is six and it's in the middle. Can I pull the injectors out and then pull the cas out and turn the cas to make the injectors spray full just so I can see there spray pattern. I know they are all clicking when activated.
  3. Still no start!!! Losing my mind here guys. Tried f**king everything. Don't know where to go from here. Please help. I tested all injectors when they were out by giving them a 12 volt feed. That all click when powered up. I'm lost.
  4. Okay so I pulled the fuel rail off so I can see if the injectors are blocked and clean them out. But when I got it out the injectors just don't look right to me. One of them have popped an o-ring half out. And one injector looks totally different to the rest.
  5. If you want to hear what it sounds like cranking over. Just leave your mobile or email and I'm more then happy to send the video through. Thanks guys
  6. Ok guys so I've called in sick today to work. So I can try and figure this f**king car out. I pressure tested it from the filter as that was the only fitting that fitted my fuel pressure tester. I got 6 bar straight away. So I plugged in my mates ecu. Of his running 33. Still nothing! So I removed that ecu and put mine back in. I then changed the air flow sensor. Still nothing. I'm pretty sure that I'm not getting fuel to cylinder 5 and 6. I'm going to pull the plugs out on more time to conform that. I'm trying to post a video of it cranking over I can't seem to do it via iPhone. When I pump the throttle jut a little bit whilst cranking it sounds like it's firing. Any advice today would pretty amazing as I have taken the day of work
  7. Thanks Steve. Ill test fuel pressure tonight.
  8. So my friend has brought his ecu and air flow meter in for me today to plug in see if that makes a difference. I'll let you guys know tonight
  9. Wait hold up. Won't the car run with out the water temp sensor. I haven't got any of the cooling system hooked up. Not even the radiator. I'm pretty sure the water temp sensor is on the intake manifold and she's plugged in. I'm pretty sure the cas can go on only one way. It's a standard ecu but the owner before me had a aftermarket ecu piggy backed off that one. Ive got another ecu coming tomorrow to plug it in and she if that makes a different. Also got another mass air flow sensor to try tomorrow. I'll check the fuel reg tomorrow but I don't think I really touched it so it still the same.
  10. When you first crank it. It sounds like it fires and then just sounds like it's turning over after that. I just compression tested all cylinders and they are all around 140:150. But when I was removing the plugs it came to my attention the spark plugs in cylinder 5 and 6 were dry. So I don't think I'm getting fuel into those cylinders. I have replaced all spark plugs. The car should still fire with 4 cylinders. I've all so checked over the link you posted . Yes I've checked everything on the list apart from timing. Can you check timing with out the car running. I have a timing light just need to make something up that can go into the coil. So I can put a ht lead for the pick up of the timing light
  11. Update. I found out that you adjust your cas for your timing since I just whacked it on I thought I had better give that a shot. I tried it in all angles as I would have to move it then go crank the key. Didn't make a difference. The weird thing is when I first crank the car. After it's been sitting it sounds like it fires straight away then just dies of and keeps on cranking over
  12. ive even tryed to use some start ya bastard and had no hope. do you have to adjust your cas or does that bolt straight on. cause im thinking its timming but i replaced timming belt when engine was out and it was smack dead perfect
  13. Thanks for the fast reply guys. yer smells like fuel if ive been cranking it for a bit. plugs were wet when i pulled them out on the weekend. got new plugs coming tomorrow. ive gone over all my sensors and im 99 percent ive got them all hooked up.
  14. Skyline R33 series 1 Hey guys So i have a series 1 R33 GTST. It had a blown motor in it so brought a series two long motor and used my series 1 turbo and intake. using series 1 wiring lume. i got it all fitted up on the weekend and guess what. no start. she cranks over fast but doesnt fire. so ive checked fuel. fuel is flowing freely and theres a bit of pressure behind it just after the fuel filter going into the rail. checked spark and i have spark at the spark plugs. checked injection pulse with a noide light and i have injection pulse. im kinda stuck at this point and not to sure what to attack next. im going to test fuel pressure tomorrow night just to make sure the pressure is right. i have tested it with 2 cas and no change. its just not making sense. i have fuel, i have spark, i have injection pulse. why wont she fire. any advice would be amazing. thanks guys
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