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Everything posted by 260DET

  1. Fanboys for just about every driver though, Webber cops his share of criticism there too.
  2. http://www.performanceforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67266520
  3. He did not necessarily have the fastest car at all, he put in the fastest lap. See this is where someone can take a fact and put a negative or a positive spin on it. It looks like most here are saying you are putting a negative spin on the facts Harry. As I mentioned over on the other forum, Webber had to do a lot of his passes on the obviously dirty side of the track. Good tyres or not, to do that consistently takes exceptionally good driving skills because grip is going to be rubbish at that time no matter how good the tyres are. It seems fair to say that Webber, whatever his faults are, has a history of making good passes.
  4. R35 out because of a gearbox actuator fail.
  5. I'd prefer any Tomei cam to a Tighe, Poncam or the mildest Procam would be my pick.
  6. As far as road use goes, I've never got semis up to temp driving legally on the road, never. They just don't get the loads put through them that track work involves.
  7. So what exactly went wrong with the R35?
  8. You doing any Lakeside sprints for 2011 Ben? Love that circuit.
  9. Datsun 280ZXT at Lakeside, best lap 60.77, not bad for an old bloke?
  10. Sounds like NSW is super intense concerning sprints, must be all that prize money and the F1 drive opportunity on offer What seems to get get lost in all this quest for glory is that sprints are, basically, for road cars and racing is for race cars. Thank *** in Q we have AASA where everything is a bit more relaxed and we can (mostly) just get out there and have some fun with Street Sprints for the weekend toy boys and Race Sprints for the 'my car has a number' heroes. The main problem we find with 300kph supercars at Lakeside is that they hold everyone up around the back and then haul it along the straight so you can't get past.
  11. Exactly, why do people with race cars ie unregistered CAMS compliant cars used only for motorsport, want to participate in sprints anyway? Surely if you have a race car you want to race it door to door and not just do timed laps. Although I must say it is fun catching and passing race cars in your weekend road car
  12. As I said before its a CAMS copout. It should be possible to have a half cage complied but for limited use eg sprints or else it should be accepted that a half cage which has passed an engineers inspection for road registration purposes is similarly approved. CAMS would remove as much uncertainty as possible from the rules in the interests of all involved if they were doing their job properly.
  13. Some modern cars straight off the showroom floor would protect the driver better than a lot of old cars with cages would in a crash. Look at most 70's cars for example, tin cans that no approved cage will make safe, relatively. But any driver with half a brain would have an approved seat belt.
  14. Thought I was the only idiot who likes that, gives a new dimension to trail braking
  15. Hot air rises so its best to take advantage of that, the turbo on my car is directly under the left vent. Routing air out out underneath is undesirable in that it contributes to more drag and lift and can be blocked by an undertray or other obstacle. The only thing is that bonnet vents like mine seem unfashionable
  16. This is my modified old school Datsun 280ZXT bonnet, engine used to overheat with the standard bonnet but now runs cool and under bonnet temps are low. Exiting air out from the engine bay is the secret, not getting it in, thats the important thing and the reason why the factory NACA duct on the left was blocked off. The kickups in front of the vents help air extraction. I'm in the process of making a CF one with improved rear vents and no front vent, no pics of it yet.
  17. What, are you going to borrow the Option 1 S14 If a certain person was not involved in this event I would have entered but a 60 will not be good enough to win so meh.........
  18. Can't comply a half cage and its usually dangerous to drive with a full cage without a helmet. Its a CAMS copout but if you want a half cage then best to have it built so that it complies as far as possible with CAMS requirements.
  19. The second ones are in widescreen, amazing if the later system did not offer widescreen, plus HD as well.
  20. Thanks Ben, QR Saturday for a change then the next midweek at Lakeside. You?
  21. Yeh Option 1 Harry, I may get a set. My RE55's are buggered and the tyres I've been trying to import have been held up due to a payment transfer messup.
  22. Won't happen, conditions of use see to that. Bugger the once a year V8's anyway, some fast cars get out there and its all free to spectate.
  23. Nah, I got quoted $176 each for Federal 595 RSR in 255/40 17.
  24. Federal 595 RSR's seem pretty good too, similar to the KU36 but a bit softer. Road legal for the non trailer queen mob.
  25. Wide angle lens' distort the action and distances, unsuitable for incar video in my opinion. What you need is a *wide screen* capable camera, here is an example using an inexpensive HD camcorder How much more width than that do you need? Note there is no distortion either.
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