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Everything posted by GeeTR

  1. I'm feeling for you man hey, best of luck
  2. Injectors don't make power as such, they supplement it. If your stockers weren't at their limit, and limiting the amount of boost you can run (they wouldn't have been at 1bar) then you'll make NO more power from bigger ones. Before the tune i reckon 210-230rwkw depending on a few factors. Tuned you could make another 20, depending on how aggressive the IGN and AFR's are set (down to the experience of the tuner) As mentioned, its the low down response / tourqe (hence; fuel economy) that you'll notice more so then a top end. power figure. When your leaking fuel from the injector area, clean away the stains with carby cleaner and look real closely. Often they leak from the small indent in the plastic body. Remove, clean surface and fill with araldite. Replace o-rings and insulators (as even if they weren't leaking to begin with, they could now after they've been removed and reinstalled, specially if they are the original 20yr old ones. Sard 700's cost me about $110 each, 2 years ago. Perfectrun.com.au are hocking Nismo 550's for $125each atm. They take 20mins to install. The above is the process I would (and have) gone through. You can do it all yourself with basic hand tools. If you do purchase new injectors, simply set the injector correction in the PFC and drive the car to your tuner. GL
  3. Where on earth did THIS thread come from? Swweeet thread!!! I should really venture around SAU more
  4. Guess it could be the box dragging the motor, but man im as good with auto's as a l3sbian without fingers, sorry. (I've nothing against ladyLovers btw)
  5. Sounds like you have an auto, as Paul said, you should bump up the idle speed a lil to check the effect for testing.
  6. SAU has failed A thread full of WG spring details could have been really useful to those with odd ball units - come on!
  7. Done hard drunk after drinking since lunch, got this on my second attempt! Nervous system suppressant my ass! *tottles off to stomach'gasm the fluro yellow*
  8. GeeTR


    From the album: Main

  9. GeeTR


    From the album: Main

  10. So it is bent - oh boo! As a side topic, its a shame, even with teh lockbar in, that those arm ball joints still wear over time. Would be good if someone made up a way to SOLIDALLY lock them in place in fashion that negated wear. Good luck, try SSS automotive wreckers and such.
  11. Going from calaisturbo.com experience, one would have to ponder the m.fold / gate setup
  12. Laggy compared to what?... Be sure to check the 25 page "RB25 Dyno" thread. Theres sure to be more then one person with dyno charts and mods, allowing you to check where 3071 users start making boost.
  13. What boost controller do you intend to use to bleed off the rest of the boost? Regardless, 0.6bar above spring pressure shouldn't be difficult for any controller (manual bleed or [well setup] EBC) from my experience.
  14. ? I want your "in head" FEA app CA18's are wicked little motors that ppl don't seem to pay much attn to. A capacity nudge would make them a real SR killer. Shanef ur deaf! - full house CA's sound wicked imo! EDIT: Dammit, limpus beat me to it.
  15. Hey Nissan shipping from Melb would be a dream. More often or not, they shoot a glance over the desk and say they need to order it from JapLand.
  16. Lol, i just assumed it was a yank thing
  17. Awesome revival. Just like most additives, IMO, they are a temp fix for ppl wanting to SELL the car...(coolant stop leaks, tappet quietener etc) - not for enthusiasts. My car made some awful noises as well, though it was loosing fluid. Degrease pump, reservoir and lines, and look for leaks. If found, fix, flush and refill.
  18. Snot the HICAS, youv prolly had the car long anough to know how it feels. Regardless HICAS = lame
  19. Fapping grandma's and man sex in the one post, classy!!
  20. Nige - Skyline, how funny. Ill be sure to keep an eye out for a coy new ACT member lol
  21. New editing policy is preventing you from touching your own topic after 2 hours.. complain in the "bugs / suggestions" section, i know i have Do you mean ur lock bar doesn't allow you to attach the arms yah? Are you 100% they are bent, or have you assumed that because it seems impossible to thread the end into the lockbar? I ask, as I it took me some good dicking around to get both sides in, and then the bar attached to the subframe.
  22. I enjoy tales like these, it shows the strength of an RB when tuned / handled by someone with an idea. (The motor's health I'm sure a part to play of course) Good Work
  23. Nice one Dcieve. Is that a stock GT3582??
  24. From my top of the head knowledge, DRiFT and Apexi are the only dry filters. Apexi claim theirs is 'non serviceable" item. Guess you just bin it when it gets filthy.
  25. I may be looking at this too simply, but if your indicating that the car overheated on a hot day (which it hadn't done before) after the addition of a pod... then isn't it likely the heat issue was caused by something done at the pod install? Was anything else done at the same time, ie coolant drain / refill without a proper bleed? These SR drivers you know... jk
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