Sweet, back on topic (Sam is pwning u atm btw)
You raise a good point. Best mate who's a mechatronics engineer, was talking how non linear air can act in certain violent circumstances. Sposedly some FEA plugins for popular CAD apps dont take into these effects... (which i thought was odd)
you'd like to think Nissan thought about customers wanting to flow more air (powaah) then factory, when designing the m.fold.. but to what extent? ... ?
I must admit, being able to run the sims through some speccy FAE, taking into account all conceivable factors, air heat, boundary effects, mass, inlet stroke pulses, car movement? lol - would be great.
I vote, we find a some bored uni student to LIDAR a stock manifold, mod it, and run it through some sims.
... but that could just be my nerd gland talking...
PS: Theres a dood on SAU atm, talking bout multi e.manifold metering, via temp or 02... watching that keeenly