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Everything posted by GeeTR

  1. Luuuurv RB20's Welcome to SAU!!!
  2. Enthusiastic heel toe?
  3. This has been spoken of many times on this and other Nissan forums. I can never stay away from commenting I almost had the NRG to getup and try it, might in the future. Hotter Air: Common debate, though can you guesstimate the temp of the air going through the AFMs in a stock setup, when car is stand still and its 40 outside? I would guesstimate close to 50-80 Compressed Air: Its the same amount of air, its just moving faster now (pressurized) I believe it would have close to the same ability to absorb heat from the hotwire, as its denser. I would say, with a re tune it should be fine, only issue being oil from stock recirc setup, or from leaking turbo cartridge.
  4. I believe many filters these days have them, Mobile 1 for instance. Dan, you could alternatively fit a one way valve to the line before the filter relocator
  5. Going out on a limb here, but don't filters come with drain back valves?
  6. ^^ yup for getting codes. The procedures around SAU somewhere, searchy searchy
  7. ^^^ Yuppers, cut n shut
  8. GeeTR

    Custom Afm

    Any news Robb?
  9. He’s most likely talking about the "GT35/66" or "GT35/84" comp wheel measured from inducer / exducer respectively. Its the wheel from a T04R. As mentioned, a stock GT35/40 will do your 500rwhp, or 378rwkw. It'll do 400-430 depending on setup. I think to highflow a GT35r would raise its flow rate to the detriment of spool time, considering you wont be running over 380 odd kw's. Would give head room for later on spose
  10. Nope, just you. Make sure your logged in, try a diff browser
  11. I'm with Manwhore, do you mean "fitting" as your running dash stuff, or a clamp?
  12. 17months and counting! Grrrrrrr "maybe" back on the road in the next 3 months
  13. Man, our wasteland thread is dead, no trash, no hype, nuttin. I was in Fyshwick few nights ago at 11pm (lay off) and saw a VL with a massive polished compressor cover hanging out the bonnet. As it went past, sounded like all of eternity was being sucked into it. Back in the day, I heard people running no wastegate pre turbo, then using one on the intercooler / somewhere else on the inlet track to bleed off non required air to keep a consistent plenum boost level. Any one seen this car?
  14. Hrrrm, good to know, cheers. I think im hocking my stockers soon, to make room for a oil cooler core in that brake duct area.. hrrm..
  15. Slightly off topic, how much to 2nd GTR BOV's go for?
  16. One word... Vortech BV57 1300 CFM@10 PSIG
  17. Only last week i cracked a "Paatoosh" in front of the local catholic girls high school, and had dozens of vagina's and breasts coming from all angles. Clambering up onto the bonnet, falling through the sunroof, getting stuck under the car, was lunicay. Use a large quality after market unit and plumb back - done, poontang mobbing can be dangerous for your heart
  18. Don't know, is it safe to let those pesky Rota's have a run, people might talk hahaha I'm def in (for rocking up) My shite box is still off the road unfortunately.
  19. Hoorah, another CAI thread. I swear those 3 letters and some foam are the seemingly holy grail of unlimited, almost free power to some hahah. Heating air up, isn't the same as heat soak. Heat soak specifically describes when latent energy moves from one medium to another. In this case, its the engine bay heat, moving into the air box / intake piping, and then into the intake charge This is exasperated when the car is stand still for obvious reasons. A CAI works simply due to the partition slowing the heat energy movement from engine bay into the air immediately around the pod. As mentioned, a CAI's main function i think, is not the temp drop at the compressor inlet from 50/80o to ambient (if setup is perfect with insulated intake to the turbo) but its ability to prevent heat soak when standstill; that is to provide more even temps and give a more consistent feel to the car. Every turbo car iv been in, takes a massive response hit after sitting still in a 40o day for a few minutes. Those with properly setup CAI's always seem to preform better.
  20. I don't understand this.. what exactly did you do? Presumably to create a better seal and simulate a properly oiled bore?
  21. Cheers, good in theory, using the forum to collage info like this, and about unmarked cars. Though rem, they can use this forum in the same manor for checking up on local meet spots, cruises, those with illegal cars etc etc. Be wary "they are out there"
  22. Im staying away from that one, you can battle it out Remember its only "abuse" if you use a closed fist
  23. Sure man, if I see you about near your car, ill hollah out
  24. Hey man, Nothing seems to be controlling your boost. Pull the boost line from the gate, push 8psi into it, and listen for the "clink" of the valve open, or remove dump and check visually with a torch. Make sure it indeed is opening at the rated spring pressure of 8psi. If so, check the boost line to the gate. Generally they feed the gate from the compressor cover. Some take the source from the plenum. Check the wastegate for how many pressure ports there are. Make sure pressure feed is to the bottom of the diaphragm and the top one is left to vent (or into compressor intake, to make it legal)
  25. Hahahaha, should have blown harder
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