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About slimjim

  • Birthday 02/08/1986

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    BNR32 GT-R
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  1. Looks amazing. The white is a great colour for it too, so classy and would set off the carbon fibre bits well. Hope to see it cruising around soon enough.
  2. As this is my old car, I thought I would post here so potential buyers can see the full list of mods in my sig. Good luck with the sale Pete!
  3. Congrats guys, glad to see everyones happy and healthy. Tyler is such an awesome name.
  4. SOLD pending payment
  5. Hi guys, Got a Tomei HICAS lock kit here, to suit many different Nissan models. No need for it anymore as I sold my GT-R. Brand new, never opened. $150 posted to anywhere in Australia, or pickup in Adelaide. Contact me via PM or email slimjim5021 @ hotmail.com
  6. I found out the other day my GT-R (that I have just sold) alarm system wasn't locking the passenger side door. God knows how long its been since I checked whether that door was locking. I assume though, my car was not actually locked for oh, around 18 months! Scary stuff!
  7. Haha nice plug. I wasn't selling it at all, it was more like he wanted it, and asked how much. Picked a number and got it. It had just over 93,000k's. 34 GT-R are still a bit too pricey for me, but I WILL own one at some point, probably after an FD which I am leaning towards...
  8. OMG that FD is hot! I WANT IT! And if only that $39800 price for the black GT-R would get it in my driveway... Dunno if I can be stuffed importing, regency blah blah blah It was a great car, I'm pretty cut about letting it go actually! Saw a 33 GT-R for sale at the shops today, but I'm not sure... so many options. You guys have given some great advice I think.
  9. Seems an FD is a popular choice! I've never even really seen one up close let alone driven one, I wonder how they would compare to the R. Evo's have the worst interiors I think... Am yet to drive an RX8, sad to hear they are slow! Petes already registered, don't think he posts that often. I forgot all about the dinner last night. R34 GTT is a definite option, I didn't know V35s come with twin turbos? That sounds awesome!
  10. 22K, an offer I couldn't pass up.
  11. Yes, still want a performance car, but something newer. Stuff was starting to break on the R. But I'm undecided - FD RX7, RX8, S15, 350Z, R33 GT-R, R34 Gtt, Evo 7, WRX? haha
  12. It's been fun, but today I bid farewell to my pride and joy! So sad to see it leave but it was the right time to sell. Just thought I'd say thanks to everyone on here, been here around 3 years now and even though I'm a bit of a lurker, I met some good people and got lots of great advice! James
  13. Dayum, jealous... Great choice!
  14. When I bought mine over from Sydney it just needed an ID check at Regency, but make sure your car has a green compliance plate in the engine bay. Mine only had a black NSW Vehicle Modification plate, which doesn't count for anything in SA. So it had to go over the pits for a full inspection. Just my experience, this was December 05.
  15. Haha yeah won't be there until the 27th after Friday. Dunno how much suitcase room I'm gonna have haha my mates already ordered a PS3! Yeah mines now 245rwkW I need to get it on a 4WD dyno though... Did a few medium launches tonight, grips awesome. Tires chirp a bit then I'm off!
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