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Mick Dean

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Mick Dean last won the day on February 28 2024

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    R34 gtt
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  1. We revised the neutral wire instructions. The old way was wrong. R34 gearbox change.pdf
  2. I think Tao tries to keep it simple for what's on the website because he has so many options. If you have specific questions he always talks through it with you. It sounds like you have been reading someone's rants on Facebook. I personally would disregard when every day there's a new one. I actually have the turbo you mentioned and love it! It isn't running at its capacity though because I had issues on the dyno preventing it being turned up and haven't gone back to try again. When it was first installed the guys at the shop (wrongly) thought it was faulty and sent it back to tao he happily checked it over thoroughly and even put it on his own car and sent through photos and video of everything. I think thats pretty good after sales service. It turned out they were wrong.
  3. Hello all, I have just purchased and installed a manual conversion kit for the r34 gtt using a r33 harness. I purchased it from The Skyline Shed. We documeted it and tried to make a better "how to". My dad deserves the credit for typing it all up nicely and performing the electicals. This includes other people's work as well, all have been appropriately credited for their works. Thanks. Mick. R34-gearbox-change.pdf
  4. Ok so I have finally sorted the issue. Just a recap for anyone searching this in the future and if the above video doesn't work, the steering wheels were basically just chattering back and forth totally out of control all on its own. I put my car on my hoist and started it and the steering went crazy. So after alot of unsuccessful researching and a few trips to steering specialists it turned out to be the star shaped nut at the back of the rack know as the "preload adjustment". I initially tightened it creating heavy steering and also accentuated the shudder so I loosened it an 1/8 of the rotation from the stock position. This solved the shudder and the heavy steering completely. I recommend marking the stock position prior to messing with it and don't forget it has a lock nut that needs to be nipped back up after. This is something you could probably do without jacking the car at all. A 12" shifter will do the lock nut and a 1/2" ratchet drive will fit in the star nut to adjust it. In my searches I saw alot of people experience lose or sloppy steering so naturally tightening this nut will help with that.
  5. So, my 34 is doing this now. Did you manage to resolve the issue? By the way I no longer even have hicas.
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