Hey guys,
Got my air con regassed 2 weeks ago after it was drained in Japan. Had it leak tested, etc and it was fine. Now the air con is warm and there's no gas in it. Took it back to the guy who now says the metal line from the firewall to the compressor is stuffed and leaking gas?
Wouldn't this have shown up on the leak test? How does a metal line leak anyway? Is he talking shit and if not does anyone have this line in non leaking order
Get a GTS-T and save your self cash and a headache. That's the decision I made and i'm stoked that I did. Even though performance isn't the same, you pocket 10K or so, that affords a lot of mods.....
Nexan 215/45/17 front - Shit cheap tyre I needed cause belts were through
Bridgestone Potenza Re711 235/45/17 back - Awesome tyres, original Japanese tyres, very worn, probably only a month left on em, too pricey over here at this stage....
you basically need permits for anything you don't wanna get picked on for. they're required when changing from the factory specs. Its just beauracratic shit.
Your licensing centres or pits should be able to issue you a Dept of planning and infrastructure mod permit for most things. A BOV is not one of em due to the emissions stuff I said before. just take it off, get your canary off then put it back on.....
yes, all are defectable: Breakdown.
1) all cars complied must have a highmount stoplight whether its on the spoiler or in the back window. Canary!
2)The lights are there for a reason, ADR states both must work otherwise it wouldn't have two lights to begin with. Canary!
3)what they said is true in the eyes of the law.
4)You need permits for the air filter and intercooler. Get em at the pits or regency of whatever you call it.
BOVs are illegal cause they are too noisy (some) and most are externally vented where the air comes out instead of being recirculated ala the factory valve. This confuses the computer, it over fuels and emissions are raised. So get a plumback like factory or replace the stockerm for the pit inspection.
Yeah its definately Kaaz. I think you have to download and install Kazaa diffs Better then Nismo ones though cause you can download Ja Rule while you drive and yell "HOLLA!" to all your mates.
anywhere can cut another key dude. just take em your key and they'll match it up. It'll just be a generic key, nothing fancy. Otherwise take it to Nissan and they'll match the numbers on it and be able to give you another one ($$$) My key was cut by a shoe repairer next to my work, easy as, took 5 mins.
my r32 does this as well, only when the throttle is cracked a bit. its normal for a rear wheel drive to make a little mechanical noise. WRXs were prime candidates for this. (even though AWD). It will make a noise all the time if somethings wrong. could just be a knackered thrust bearing from clutch dumps?
I'd do them and any other seal you can see at the same time. Its so much easier doing it when everythings apart then having to do them again if they start to leak which nearing your mileage they will start to do soon.....
The sr sounds like its dying over 6K, the RB wants more at 7K.... having owned both I do notice the slight low RPM dead spot in the RB however its something that can be driven around easily...... a small issue that's more then made up for in its other qualities
Hey guys,
I have searched but couldn't find anything.... Basically my headlights are shit. They point too close to the ground, I tried adjusting them and now they're worse then ever he he its the projector type, similar to the ones in my Silvia and equally as bad.
Which screw on the back of the headlight does what? There's one at the top and bottom of each light. I'm aware the one on the top does the high beam but its the low beam that needs fixing. Any ideas? If someone has good lights and they're willing to tell me how many turns out they're screws are I'd be stoked.
as topic says, am chasing a white R32 GTS-T bonnet in Perth only. If you have one let me know, can part exchange for a silver one if needs be. Due to work could be a while before I can get mine repainted....
checked mine today, I too have a little oil in the inlet hoses but no more then usual. Both my Silvias had this as well so I think you should be right mate. stupid rocker cover is leaking now too.....there's no end to things going wrong
hey guys,
just noticed my 32 is leaking oil from around the rocker cover. I've tightened up all the screws with those poxy seals beneath them but the leaks are still there after driving. Its pretty minimal, is this a common problem? should I get the rocker cover gasket done?
Hey guys,
how accurate are the standard R32 boost guages? Even after putting my 3 inch dump/front pipe in addition to the full 3 inch exhaust the boost is still only going halfway to +7. Surely with these mods it would have higher boost? How much gain would be had from boosting it to around 12PSI. I know of the issues with the ceramic wheels