oooh oooh
ok i lost my license, and well had to keep driving to work, and occasionally having to drive my ex around as she didnt quite have her licence at the time (this was a while ago guys )
anywho, got caught driving unlicensed twice.
Here is what happened
first time, $700 fine, no further extension on loss.
second time (they actually thought it was first offence, u can goto jail for up to 3 mths for ur second offence) $400 fine and a further 6 mths, now i only had my license back for 3 weeks, but gone again it was.
I pray you arent going to dandenong court, the judge there is an absolute asshole. All i can say is, seek legal aid when you goto court, they will ajourn the hearing for you, you will get a new date in the mail ... and they will represent you for free.