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Liz last won the day on April 18 2016

Liz had the most liked content!

About Liz

  • Birthday 31/08/1982

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  • Car(s)
    DR30 & 135i Msport
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  1. Well there is a change lol I say goodbye to the dr30 on Thursday. I’m getting a little sad.
  2. Lol i have no words for that situation
  3. Yep! gets picked up end of next week
  4. I sold my car - gets picked up in 10 days
  5. Ouch! Looks expensive! I’ve got one of those repairs coming up….it’s gonna hurt!
  6. This is the mondayest Monday that ever mondayed urgh
  7. I dunno about it going for more, the last one sold for 27k about a year ago. But mine is nicer and more original so I reckon 35k is about right. had lots of messages about it but no one out to see it yet.
  8. Business is a retail advisory business specifically property. So helping retailers come up with a network strategy and then deliver, ie negotiate on their behalf to acquire the right locations at the right cost. I used to do this working for the actual retailer, but now I’m out on my own. Lol re car build! Thing is, when you finish a build you need to start again anyway…so I think it’s better to change the goal as you go…happy for you to steal my excuse yeah I got the dr still, I’m trying to sell it now. I’ve advertised it for $35k
  9. Nice car, Mark!! My dad has one of these, it’s a lot of fun! He’s had it for 20 years and cannot bring himself to sell it.
  10. Wow! Loved it then. It’s my all time favourite destination. I think it gets cooler every time you go. Not much news my end! Same old! Biggest thing is that I’m trying to get a business off the ground. It’s a tad stressful but it’s now or never! What about you? It’s been agessss!
  11. How was your trip?
  12. When it rains it pours! I’m in no position to be pointing fingers! My cars are a mess. My solution is to keep the garage door closed! Have you tried that?
  13. 🤣 20 years on im finally reacting well!
  14. Does Duncan even have a working car to be throwing Evo comments around? 🎯 ps hi!
  15. Not that there is anything wrong with that! 😄
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