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Everything posted by Liz

  1. once again, another stupid post by Alien. well done.
  2. I think this guy is running for mayor
  3. i doubt you'll need make up for this event dave (omg, talk about ownage! lol)
  4. yeah I've read of similiar growth rates...will taper off though so you got a few more years of boganville champ.
  5. the car looks amazing flukes
  6. man i threw mine out last week!
  7. good girl! see you there
  8. well maybe not hail lol
  9. i got some advice for you Don't drink and drive!
  10. now aren't you glad you didn't get them?
  11. For those of you who are worried about stacking it into a wall, it comes down to driver attitude!!! You don't crash into a wall for no reason, and you don't start out going a million miles per hour on your first lap, you work up to the speed. Just don't go out there and try be a hero, you'll have problems. So stop being such a bunch of pussies and book a spot!
  12. spotted PIG32 at Robina Town Centre yesterday!!! I was looking at you funny, you were looking at me funny lol....i was getting into a green xr6.
  13. still not 100%on the selling, but time for bigger and better things!
  14. do a search in the tutorial/DIY section! there is one in there that i used, very straight forward!
  15. Liz


    parramatta road is up for a $10.2million upgrade shortly
  16. ahem, no it's not.
  17. good girl
  18. spotted....wait for it....wait for it... wait a little longer . . . . . MONA! lol
  19. hahahaha exactly
  20. i ponder... is it still called a blonde 'moment' when they happen all the time?
  21. Is that what your friends keep telling YOU? lol
  22. red will prolly turn out pink, and pinks a girls colour... are you a girl?
  23. i don't thing they'll fit a 32, but if it's for a 33 pm me your email address and I'll get them too you
  24. not just MAS55S' jokes
  25. sooooooooo drag racing ay?
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