I've been known to incorrectly use your and you're but not because I don't know the difference, just because of the speed in which I type.
But I do agree with carlo...the grammatical standards around here are terrible! The post about the last stolen GTR...man, so hard to read, not to mention the guy who Puts A Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word For Reasons I Don't Know Of. Or da friggin gansta rapa who fink he a nigga bitch.
Sad thing is as wilchy said, 10years time, no one will know how to use these words. Its not just on here...the whole corporate environment is full of people who don't know how to express themselves effectively. I'm constantly having to ask people to explain what they have written or typed simply because they are stupid...I mean dumb....I mean because they can't structure sentences to reflect the correct meaning.
Over and out.