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Everything posted by Liz

  1. uppercase letter at the beginning of every letter??! lol but you know what I mean!
  2. go mona go!!! YOU CAN DO IT
  3. no supras
  4. also interesting...waiting on pics
  5. good idea john. if the hoff gives it the thumbs up...its definately a goer!
  6. oh god mikey...you legend!
  7. MAD!!! I'm in!
  8. you suck. I got 15.
  9. yeah bit worried about that....tell me again why we are going at night? nevertheless...I'll be there...I've already secured a car manwhore for the night.
  10. I've been known to incorrectly use your and you're but not because I don't know the difference, just because of the speed in which I type. But I do agree with carlo...the grammatical standards around here are terrible! The post about the last stolen GTR...man, so hard to read, not to mention the guy who Puts A Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word For Reasons I Don't Know Of. Or da friggin gansta rapa who fink he a nigga bitch. Sad thing is as wilchy said, 10years time, no one will know how to use these words. Its not just on here...the whole corporate environment is full of people who don't know how to express themselves effectively. I'm constantly having to ask people to explain what they have written or typed simply because they are stupid...I mean dumb....I mean because they can't structure sentences to reflect the correct meaning. Over and out.
  11. and I saw you again on Epping road this arvo at about 6...i was going so slow waiting for you to catch up but by the time you finally put your slow arse in to gear you turned off along with the silver 33 with the nasty little man who didn't wave at me in it.
  12. rumour has it =SkiZo= already has hit it with the star.
  13. lets hope just cars, shannons and famous have price wars!
  14. pm sent.
  15. no silver, I think this is the pic http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/fo...achmentid=34969 lol
  16. burgundy 33 on pac highway at mt colah ZHK147 assuming your on here seeing as i got a g'day'.
  17. your car fast??? pffft If it were fast you wouldn't have been so quick to pike out on Sat night! lol
  18. lol..add another hour on that for me! friggin panthers!
  19. ok latest news everyone..... did anyone catch moanie in last months issue of SPEED?
  20. learn kickboxing
  21. yeah we ran into them at windsor and again at blackheath. But they didn't stop with us. Besides when we were at thornleigh they left without us and without saying anything to us. but yeah the cruise was a good run....I was so freakin tired by the time we got back.
  22. Oh and its a close competition!! Lowrey...go the TE37's
  23. just working with what we've been given by the original organiser. no point in having a 20mins cruise I say!
  24. ******UPDATE******** Seeing as the owner of this thread has disappeared I'm gonna make the plans coz I'm so keen for a cruise tonight. I think we should cut the wisemens loop out of it as I don't think we have a big turn out, so we want to pick up the Windsor people ASAP...if anyone fees like it we can do it on the way back. here are the details So we are still meeting at 10PM at THORNLEIGH MACCAS for a 10:30 DEPARTURE We will have another meeting point at MCGRATHS HILL MACCAS at 11:15 which is near Winford Motors on Windsor Rd. The on to Katoomba! Bizza will lead the way, but no doubt I'll have to take over coz he's too slow ...RB20...pfft! If anyone has any questions please feel free to give me a call on my mobile which is 0423 793 747.
  25. not very well organised but.... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=68857
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