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Everything posted by Liz

  1. happy birthday pumpkin!
  2. I'm seriously thinking about making the drive up for the weekend.... bit of a tough decision!
  3. i think i may have seen you on the m7 yesty morning, nick.
  4. oh im sooooo excited. the carpark is off victoria avenue
  5. me, really? nahhhhh ... you're just saying that
  6. do you have an oil cooler?
  7. A good mechanic is a myth
  8. yeah come! I want to show off my car!
  9. we need mona and caine to make this semi ol' school
  10. i have no reason to think otherwise. feels like the same ol 5 puk button clutch to me.
  11. thanks richard! sounds like you've considered everything I've put forward! how does it happen anyway? how would it have bent?
  12. I have a problem and I'll set the scene... ok I won't, but there are 3 very distinct things I've noticed. 1 - When I'm coming to a stop, I have my car in second gear, clutch goes in, I go to change and the gear is stuck in second and the car still wants to go forwards.....sometimes if I'm stationary for long enough, it'll snap out of it and go back to normal "in neutral" idle. This won't happen all the time anymore, just on occasions, if I'm lucky. 2 - There is a noice when i have the clutch in sometimes, really grinding.. like the usual trust bearing noise, just a hell of alot louder 3 - Sometimes, when I'm hearing this bearing noise I de-press the clutch pedal and let it out again and the clutch makes a screach and jolts back. I've had it bled properly, I don't think it's leaking as the fluid level isn't dropping (well i noticed it extremely low one day but i think that's because it wasn't topped up). Also - I just had another engine swap and these problems have been there since i got the car back, not sure if that helps, but I think it's worth noting anyway! Help me?
  13. Liz

    Superlap Oran Park.

    lol, I must have been lost then.
  14. Liz

    Superlap Oran Park.

    I don't plan to be here for long and transferring rego for a year just seemed more painful than it was worth! Plus, because I have NSW plates, I won't have too much trouble with defects/EPA notices (not that i ever have had any trouble with them before). It has it's perks! Ps. How'd you find Oran Park? It's my favourite track! love the dog leg round the back. I'm was doing 1.31 in my skyline.. and hadn't done it in my 180 yet.. .I got a fair bit of work to do! lol. I checked natsoft, there was someone lapping around at 1.12!!!!
  15. I love this comment! Defence lawyer Bernie Balmer began his plea for Retzos by telling magistrate Luisa Bazzani: "It's obviously been a bad week for Ferraris, particularly at the grand prix."
  16. yeah, sounds like someone stole Black Widows violins for the day
  17. Liz

    Superlap Oran Park.

    am I from Wodonga? God no lol from syds but i live in melbs but i had to take my car to NSW to get a pink slip... I was trying to get back on the freeway but got stuck in wodonga somehow! there were so many damn cars on that freeway from cars being towed from the F1 weekend.
  18. Liz

    Superlap Oran Park.

    I saw you in Wodonga! Well, at least I think it was you! Looked like someone on their way home from Superlap!!!
  19. Liz

    Spotted Thread

    shit go spotted a 32gtr in Wodonga yesterday, on the back of a trailer! Obviously on the way back from Superlap!
  20. IN!
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