Ok - this is going to be confusing, but I'll do my best to explain it
I'm visiting from NSW, and whilst I was down here, my engine blew, ran out of rego etc etc etc. I'm trying to renew my NSW REgo whilst I was down here..... I did an engine swap too.
I was told I'd need a RWC only.. detailing the new numbers, they'd rego it and all would be good. I'd need to provide a copy of the receipt too.... fax it to the RTA, pay the money and away i go.
So I've done all that, and now they are claiming that because the RWC has the new engine numbers on it, they won't rego it (even though they previously said it'd suffice for an adjustment of records (which is how we change engine numbers)).
Is there any form of documentation in melbs for just an engine number change that I may be able to supply the RTA with??
Basically they told me there isn't anything else they'd accept (but they've been wrong already, so they're probably wrong again) and I'd have to get an unrego'd car permit, drive it to NSW to get a NSW blue slip.
So annoying... but anyone got any ideas?