I'm a little bit concerned about something that happened at a workshop the other day.
Bottom line is - my car went in for a tune and came out with a noise and the car is now virtually undrivable.
Here is the story.
I'd asked them to tune it and the mechanic listened to the motor and said he would like to take the rocker cover off because it's a bit rattly. Turns out the oil bars in the top were blocked and had caused the cam lobes and rocker arms to wear down significantly. The cam shafts, rocker arms, lifters and oil squirters were all replaced.
2 days later I take it back with the same noises and leave it there for it to get sorted and a tune if it's all ok.
A week later I call to ask how it's going, the mechanic said it's tuned. It made 120rwkw befor ethe tune and 155rwkw after the tune. Which is really strange because it went in there with 178. He said he didn't boost it because he was worried about metal shavings in the engine and that there was no way it had made 178rwkw previously. I go ok and head down to pick the car up.
I got given the keys (this is all relevant btw) and take it for a spin come back not too impressed, it's slower but tidier (afr's). The mechanic told me he did an engine flush and heaps of metal shavings came out of the motor (before the tune) and just at the end of the visit, I was told it was making a noise which indicates bearing failure that was probably due to the metal shavings. I got shown the noise when leaving the workshop.
If a tuner was worried about metal shavings in the motor, why would he tune it at all? The reasoning I got was "I had to make a decision as to what to do and the impression i got from you was you wanted it tuned no matter what, so I made a decision to tune it". Wouldn't it have damaged it either way no matter what psi it was tuned at?
I'm just confused, doesn't a workshop have a duty of care to make to make sure my won't fail no matter what their 'impression' was?
The question I want to ask is, would it be unreasonable for me to ask for them to pay for the damage to my motor?