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Everything posted by Liz

  1. I care
  2. bloody skyline drivers and your fancy screw holed harmonic balancers
  3. my harmonic balancer didn't have places to screw it in....
  4. they didn't but thanks and problem solved, ZoomZoom brought one over just now
  5. Does anyone have one I could borrow? I've tried everywhere to find one! Each place I try says it'll be a week before they'll get it in but I need it ASAP Liz.
  6. hahahahaha keep dreaming rice boy
  7. you reckon? lol
  8. good to hear dave!
  9. haha, as much as you complain how daggy the daily is, you're always thankful it's there!!! I have a Proton Persona which I only drive if I can't drive the 180! Thank god I have it. I was wondering why drove past again 20mins later! Thank goodness it wasn't something more than that hey!!!
  10. I think I've certainly done something I'm not convinced that the seal just goes... i mean, it wasn't that old. Plus on the drive back to town it started making funny noises up the hill which was the only time I put it under load. now I've had a good sleep I'm in better spirits
  11. thanks chubb! and thanks everyone for helping.... all the usuals.... chubb, bhdave, tmb, ben, james, steveo. It was nice having people that WEREN'T bitching about the oil spill lol ben.. did you get your car sorted?
  12. The highlight of my day? Breakfast Glad everyone had a good day, and sorry again about the oil spill! I didn't see it until back straight.. probably because of the dust in the air from that mr2 stack. and i didn't think it was dropping oil onto the track. I thought i was just burning it. And a massive thanks to Steveo for coming to get me! Andddddddddddddddddddddd it's not just the seal.... and yeah Goulburn is now painted with oil.. but i don't care, I wasn't going to wait outside the Wakie gates until 10pm. By the time I got home and unloaded, it was 4am, the chickens survived the day, unlike my voice
  13. lol more coolant than petrol!
  14. last time I went to wakefield i used..... 5 litres. lol
  15. okie doke.
  16. I forget lol.... it's a bit all over the shop.. talk sat.... save me a garage pls! haha
  17. I'll just meet you guys down there, I'm not a fan of pre-meets... I feel too rushed. ps. pray for cylinder number 1 who may pass over to the other side during the day
  18. i spotted the HOTTEST gts-x in hornsby on the way to work this morning. bollocks me dead 31 fever!
  19. good one Jase.. how the hell was he supposed to get there lol
  20. in 5 years I hope to be over this car thing
  21. Phills old car!!!!!!! Very nice! welcome!
  22. the less p platers on the road the better i say
  23. might have been there are pics somewhere
  24. ps. girlpower
  25. a skyline isn't an upgrade loser
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