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Everything posted by Liz

  1. love the new car Neil! bring it out to play soon!
  2. yeah, it's just finished, this week.
  3. woot ... spotted oh nah i don't think i did! sorry dude! you're not from the area tho are you?
  4. it's ford purple!!! ps. and yeah, I have a tan. first time ever! It's not lasting tho, almost gone back to white.
  5. Liz

    R35 Gt-r In Sydney!

    I'm so going to go home, drive my car, f**k it up and drive it to powerplay tomorrow to get it fixed just for a squizz!
  6. no one has spotted me yet in my new colour scheme?
  7. I'll go if you go, pm me! oki craig, I responded! let me know!
  8. the problem is it was HOT lol dave did something with a fan to make it stay on constantly, so I didn't have to turn the heater on to help cool the car. As my air cond was broken, so the hot setting is like hotter than hot.. I only did 4 laps with the car like that, but it showed no sign of heating up, so it definitely helped! I'm not sure, might go tomorrow, depends on how I feel. I've also got to save tyres for a skid pan day on sunday down at Oran Park! when are you thinking of going?
  9. nope, I'm saying that i got 4 sessions all day... but i was riddled with overheating, so I never got to go more than one lap at a time before I had to do a cool down lap and hten hit it again.
  10. you didn't miss out on anything special yesterday.... there were a group of drifters there, so it was 3 sessions instead of 2 sessions... which cut the track time down heaps! I also got there late as I chewed through one of my tyres on the way there (lucky mum came to drop me some spare tyres to the tyre shop!) I got 4 sessions, 3 were like... one lap on, one lap cool down... one lap on one lap cool down...and the 4th was 4 laps and thanks to dave, no more overheating!! damn it was hot out there yesterday
  11. do I need a fire extinguisher for this?
  12. freak.
  13. you little prick! you went with out me!!!! ps. glad you had fun, I couldn't make it that day anyway I'm thinking next week might be a goer for me.
  14. this looks like a bit of fun. interested.
  15. hi, I'm liz pay me some attention please
  16. ok, $16 to put it on my e-tag that's your fine, plus what it would cost for a money order. It's a saving, i'd snap it up if I were you.
  17. Merry Christmas
  18. I'll let you put it on my e-tag for $10
  19. do the crime, do the time
  20. homosexual things?
  21. can't say
  22. lol tight ass
  23. I voted for you. top chick that Michele
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