I have owned Cedric hy34 300lx vq30det CVT for a 2 years now. Its a great and one of a kind car in luxury car class history with this awesome technic, it really is a driving experience one of a kind to drive this car when it works propelly. Car really drives/runs like a train, so smooth and fine that i claim that a Mercedes S-class ride feels cheap after this. =)
I have had few technical issues with the car what i have solved, one by one by my self. Now i almost have beated all the problems and for now, the last one is there. With this issue im lost and having a bit hard time to understand and thats why i am asking if anyone else there, somewhere, in some country have had this kind of problems with hes/hers Gloria/Cedric. The problem has been there since the car was imported straight from the country of rising sun.
Climate control buttons+radio buttons aint working at sometimes. Its even a bit hard to explain especially English aint my mother language as you have surely noticed already, hmm i try my best..
When i turn on the ignition or start a car, whatever. Buttons sometimes works and sometimes does not. When i go for drive they suddenly starts to work or suddenly stops working on drive.
Because the car is strange Japanese architecture and i dont understand even a half what navigator/computer settings are i tough first that there must be some locking what disables some buttons in some speed OR SOMETHING like that. But it seems its more likely a broken climate/radio unit or something.
There is also a cd track forward button thats has been broke from the beginning. A buttons is somehow very loose and feels its not attached to anything it just hangs on there, not working never either(ive also been thinking is it possible that this broke button is time by time full pushed to bottom all the time what disables all other buttons, but ive forgot the idear because shouldnt the cd change songs repeatly if that would be the problem and it aint....?!?!?!?). I can add a video later about the broke button to realise what i mean.
I also added a picture from my dash/unit where i can show which buttons stops working and which works all the time.(Green spots are buttons that works always and red spots are buttons that stops working a time by time.) I marked the broke button wrong in picture with two red dots, i marked track reverse to be a broke one for a mistake, correct one is track forward button next to it!
Ive already tryed to find a used replace part/unit from Japan auctions and i found a few on sale but it seems that there is propably 3 kind of these units available. It seems its manufactored by Clarion for Nissan and one model is without navigation cd slot and two with it. But which one part number part my car has, i dont know and i think that only way to even get this part number is to remove the unit to find out.
Is there anyone anywhere who have had this kind of issues or could have some help for me before i have to remove half of my car interior to remove a holy center console to get this climate/ radio unit out of there for inspection. !!!?????!! HELP PLEASE!