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Everything posted by chaos

  1. ohh cat fight
  2. dont diss watching paint peel
  3. bahahaha and you dont spam?? cmon even i know thats bullshit.
  4. can tell newbs by joined date.
  5. thats quite a good increase in power there
  6. just checked, it comes out today
  7. didnt think Saw 2 came out till the end of the month?
  8. bah wrong night
  9. what proof you have that you went back? besides your word? from the camera you've run the light and there to assume that you have kept going. You could contest it but im not sure of your chances or proving you reversed back.
  10. i dont log out i always thought it was sorted by posts? like most recent near the start etc
  11. nah that would mean so many sub forums, maybe just R32's R33's R34's etc.
  12. deoends on colour, if your just gonna get it painted black again, i would assume around the $1k mark maybe bit lower, just depends how bad the paint is and amount of labour put into it. could always sand it back yourself, that should save a bit of money.
  13. you wouldnt expect someone of that age to do this sorta thing oh well, lock him up and give him to bubba
  14. dam man, your gonna be broke after paying that ask if you can pay it in instalments hehehe
  15. saw a white 34 tonight at milton maccas bout 10ish
  16. im with slim yeh i got 23 000 posts or whatever, but all my whoring (well 90%) of it has been in a whoretown.
  17. Happy birthday James :D:D
  18. chaos

    Name Change

    well if you stop giving them doughnuts, they'll stop harrasing you.
  19. Item: Drift Battle Vol. 1 $15 High Octane Overboost $20 sold pending payment High Octane 2 $15 High Performance Imports Vol. 7 $15 Serious Performance 8 $15 sold pending payment High Octane 2000 $15 High Octane Detonate $20 Location: Brisbane Item Condition: All Very good Reason for Selling: No longer watch them. Price and Payment Conditions: Can Direct depost + delievery if interstate Buyers, or Brisbane Buyers can pick up. Extra Info: Contact Details: email: dances_with_angry_monkeys (@) hotmail.com sms/phone 0401858265 or pm.
  20. plus they found another suspect package not long ago on a bus at sunnybank
  21. dont think they could risk major panic, i mean you say theres bombs in one of the busiest places in brisbane, even if its fake someone could still get killed from panic.
  22. hmm another 15mins to go lol
  23. you should be able to buy the car back. Guy on here wrote his mirage off, and he was able to buy it back.
  24. yeh they found 2 suspect packages but it was a false alarm
  25. its already crazy out there, cops everywhere, news crews everywhere.
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