Talking with Jaime tonight and decided to see if people were interested in a all night cruise. Myself, Mike, Jaime, Brad, Other Jamie and Matt did one and quite enjoyed it, was a fun filled night with some good cruising.
It will be for Saturday 26th (next weekend).
We will meet at BWCP (how unusual) at 8pm for roughly a 9pm departure. Depending on numbers we will probably cruise into cavil for a feed at the local pizza place on orchid Ave. Then cruise on further.
Still deciding final details and will post later in the week. If anyone is interested in the meet but not the cruise there more than welcome to still come along and can break off when the feel like it. Those hardcore cruisers etc can cruise on into the early hours of the morning and if people are still not stuffed can possibly do a dawn run but will decide that on the night.
So yeh, post if interested and will make all final details and post them later on in the week.