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Ronin 09

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About Ronin 09

  • Birthday 17/04/1979

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  • Real Name
    Chairman Kaga

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. 300. Really no one? It's 20 litres!
  2. just sell them to @roy
  3. $350! GET IT OUT OF MY PLACE.
  4. Hi guys, I have a 20 litre drum of brand new Motul 300v in 5W30. this stuff retails for $70+ per litre! Pick up only in Melb for $550. PM me. https://www.motul.com/system/product_descriptions/technical_data_sheets/51784/original/300V_Power_Racing_5W-30_%28GB%29.pdf?1339171623
  5. Sycorb got the front inner guard liners? need LHS one.
  6. RBN1 from bitter experience - drive it as much as you can. took my dirty stinking datsun to Sandown (drive it about 4 times a year) and in the first session developed a misfire (coils/ ignitor). thing is these things are simply getting old and maintenance starts to add up...
  7. Yeah because i'm an retard - I actually ned the LEFT side inner guard.
  8. Hey, looking for an undamaged (including all mounting points) R32 GTR RHS inner guard liner let me know. thanks
  9. Shivam, I don't really come to SAU anymore but this is awesome. Black GTRs go harder. Fact.
  10. Guys I need to do this to the Honda Euro we have, and was thinking of putting the 3M paint protector clear vinyl stuff over the headlight once cleaned. I reckon this should work quite well as the 3M stuff is UV protected and virtually invisible. thoughts?
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