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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. Hey boys and girls! I'm coming to visit my g/f (who is teaching english in Kawasaki) in dec/jan! I'm there from Christmas day until the 9th of Jan I've got a couple of questions for you guys - 1. When is Tokyo AutoSalon? I may have to extend my stay if it is early Jan... 2. Where can I go and buy some sweet sweet go-fast stuff? Does anyone know exact addresses around Toyko or Kawasaki? 3. Who wants me to visit and say hi?! 4. Who wants tim-tams or BBQ shapes (I hear the Japanese love 'em!)? Thanks guys, and see you soon -Marcus
  2. Ha, digging up my old thread... Same for RB26? Or anyone got the right ones for RB26 for R32?
  3. oh and memph, if you want i can pick em up for you next week
  4. Sean, what brand is BC? Any idea of spring rates etc? Will be in perth next week so may be able to have a look
  5. Which sections, and is it polished or chrome? Stainless / mild steel / alloy? Pic? Cheers
  6. come on....
  7. Thanks mate, you know mine is a 32R right? And I need 2 - one for my mate's Integra Type-R too Cheers - want me to wire you some dollars?
  8. Yeh, I'm trying to get some Endless ceramics... but can't get Brent from Nengun to reply to my emails What are a set (Front) of Ferodos worth, and which ones exactly? PS Troy, you've got me down for 2 of them bonnet straps right? how do they attach to the bonnet?
  9. I too would like to know what the deal is...? BTW, where are the 32s????!?! Represent!
  10. nice pun! I started at 1.1mm then gapped down until it stopped misfiring
  11. Motul 300V Though I have heard very very good reports about Catrol Formula-R...
  12. If you do the front guards, I have the GTR indicators for the front
  13. What the hell has the last 10 posts had to do with OBEHVE? What is OBEHVE running? RB25? RB26? Carry on.
  14. Does anyone else think that the grille on it looks like the Lancia Delta S4 grille? Rude ride
  15. Dumb arse question from the guy from the back: When i do an oil change, how do I ensure that 1. the cooler is drained of oil? 2. the cooler fills back with correct quantity of oil once I have changed the oil?
  16. Hi Stacey, Thanks for that info... I have my plugs gapped at 0.8 (it was missing at any larger gap) and the car actually doesn't like starting all the time - needs alot of cranking to turn over. In your situation, wouldn't all the plugs be wet? Only #2 and #3 are in my case. I am going to pull them out now and check them out again Thanks heaps
  17. That sucks. If the guy was cut out of the car, it is 99% there were police there. He will be reamed for no license. As he should. Even if the car was insured, it would be null and void b/c the driver was unlicensed. You are too nice. Think about it this way - how are you going to get around now, seeing that your car is on a flat-bed? Pure and simple, your car has been taken away from you. YOUR MATE, if he is a good mate, should be doing ALL the work to either - 1. return your car to the condition it was in, or, 2. replace it with one of identical condition, in as little time as possible. He will enjoy his time in court. I'm sorry, I know he is your mate, but by all accounts sounds like a tool
  18. AS above after a perfectly straight R32 GTR bonnet. Prefer black, and in Melb but will consider postage if dollars is ok
  19. Firstly, speaking for myself, I was joking about my remark. It was a direct quote from 'Starsky & Hutch'. If you were offended, I'm sorry, but you should see the film - damn funny. Secondly, I think the attitude you have been given is probably founded by the fact that no one can understand how you could get a running RB26 for so little money. If you are able, and it is that cheap and legit, then that is awesome - we are all jealous. Can you put me down for 3. Thirdly, why do you want to put an RB26 in the S15? You have to ask yourself some pretty serious questions about cost vs benefit. A well built SR will be reliable up to quite a number of kay-dubyas (i don't have experience, but may people build mega hp SRs). What sort of hp do you want? RB26s are expensive to make high hp (compared to SRs) - would it be more effiecient to spend all the custom fab cost of dropping in the RB on modifying the SR anyway? And would the chassis balance be ruined by dropping in another (guessing) 100kgs in the front end? eg. Meggala pulled out an RB20 from his Ceffy and dropped in a SR. BUT - an RB S15 will be totally cool and unique. If you are out to build a unique or show car, then do it. It can be done (see zymotic's link), but unless you have mega resouces, may end up being high cashola if you want a 800hp motor Oh and by the way, INASNT is probably the most negative person on the forums
  20. right, Ronin = idiot
  21. Don't nominate a time for the day - say like 2mins or something. That way you'll be put into the 'not been on track before group' and you can go as slow or fast as you like to begin with in the morning. If you get faster, they'll move you to a faster group for the arvo. Simple, and that way you'll have no arseholes running up the back of you to put pressure on you. Won't have to do numbers - Maserati will supply your car a number, and you'll have to stick it onto your car. Any existing numbers will not be read anyway. I had Michelin Pilot Sports on my last car when I went to sandown last. Had alot of beading, but didn't use much tread. Can't tell u about semi comps... but I imagine a set of semis should last 4 - 5 track days?
  22. awesome.
  23. did they come off the soarer dan?
  24. I've got a VCD of last track day... Snowman features for a split second... that was before I knew the full power of the gearbox breaker guy My mate made it - I'll burn a copy if you want to check it out
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