FORCE, I have seen a WRX with that exact setup (if the car is in melb, then it was probably that one with the big K&N).
I noticed that the pipe from the compressor to the cooler (or to the front of the car) appeared to be made of either mild steel, or something painted. It was corroded and / or flaking. I asked the shop that installed the kit, and they said that it comes like that in the kit.
Why only make all the visible pipes a nice shiny colour? I certainly wouldn't be happy with all the visible pipes made from quality materials, only to find inferior product where the piping is hidden.
You may have changed the kit since, and replaced that tubing with stainless / aluminium, but if this is what the kits are like I think forum goers have the right to complete disclosure.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I have seen your products and they are generally of good quality. I would in this case like to be proven wrong.