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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. was joking, sorry mate mine's a silver 33 but I can't upload a pic
  2. Sorry sock - seriously, my car in in my sig... click fatline aww crap all the pics are gone sorry
  3. thats my car dudes. take it easy.
  4. Ronin 09

    Da Bitch Is Back

    PHAT! thats all I got to say about that.
  5. I used the same - Redline Shockproof (blue) - in the diff as well
  6. Umm, who is selling these exactly? and can you answer crooser's qn - are they a hard ride? I just read up on these - if they are the "function basic" model (non adjustable damping) I'll give them a miss thanks anyway.
  7. It's the sensor that triggers warp drive.
  8. barrp! snap.. barrrrp! snap.. BANG! XR6T going down the strip, snapping second and third... then leaving the contents of the gearbox on the road. love the motor, hate the gearbox. Have a mate who works in Ford R&D he claims it is the most unsuccessful car for ford Aust ever in terms of recalls and failures with respect to the gearbox uh oh
  9. Thanks for that answer Jimx, I suspected that it should be open back to the intake side. I'll try and source a new plug, but I was going to drill out the blanking plug otherwise. cheers mate
  10. OK I searched, and read the whole of the "catchcans what's the deal?" thread. I couldn't find the answer to my question, which is quite simple, so bear with me. I got a Hybrid Oil Catch can and installed it on the weekend. Basically, the rocker covers are still connected, one hose runs from the rocker cover breather to the catch can. The can came with a blanking plug, so you can install a hose from the can back to the intake that does not work. My question is this - by my thinking the rocker covers are not venting, and basically the hose from the rocker cover to the intake will flow all the gas. Thus the can is doing nothing. Secondly, will there by a build up of pressure in the head because the catch can does not vent back to the intake?
  11. I think what Geoff means is that when the turn angle is quite small, the extra grip will cause the car to push into understeer?
  12. I might do that benm - I would hope (and think) that these were just a dud set of pads. Will keep this thread posted
  13. I changed the RB74s for Endless pads today. I was always impressed with the RB74, until I pulled them out. They have overheated and cracked, admittedly I do give them a hard time - but they are supposed to be a track compound - I haven't seen a track with them yet. I've posted pics of them, decide what you like of them. I still think that val for money is good, but now after seeing that all four pads were cracked, I'm not so thrilled. PS the Endless pads are damn nice under pedal - great feel and initial response... In time we will see how they handle the pressure
  14. I'm using DBA Slotted rotors.
  15. Have used RB74s on my last car, and the skyline. Very happy with the performance - an excellent stopping compound - even better when hotter. BUT damn noisy. Just bought a set of Endless pads for the front, will go in (hopefully) this weekend and I'll report back.
  16. These look like Australian plates...?
  17. As homer once said - "it's called a murder... a murder of crows" i think "murder" of skylines is appropriate
  18. pics of the headlights please mate [email protected]
  19. No not everyone is perfect. He is nothing of a professional. But, all this slagging aside, there are reasons why people are posting here - for the good and protection of the general public, and, to protect the body of a brain so stupid it cannot seem to protect itself - MINES_DATSUN. Lets look at his track record - two high power cars, two write-offs in two years of legal driving. Lets not bullshit here - the boy cannot drive. That is expected, he is young and inexperienced. If he wants to be old (at all) and experienced, he'd better change his attitude quick smart. All young males over estimate their driving ability. it is how God created us. Same way chicks always think they are better than they are (sorry a tangent, trying to get some lightheartedness in here). I overestimated my ability - probably still do. But I haven't written off any cars or had any accidents worth more than $1K. So, what i am trying to say is, MINES_DATSUN, really take stock of your life - if you want to die, do it quietly and don't take anyone with you. I would never wish injury on anyone, please think carefully before getting behind the wheel of any car again any time soon. Imagine you killed another human being. Thanks for reading my 2c
  20. You have got to be kidding. Now YOU'RE giving attitude. Take your attitude and go to MCCR. I think I speak for the collective - we don't want you here.
  21. cool, revhead Nick - don't know if they let girlfriends as passangers on the racetrack though :confused:
  22. Why are you seriously thinking of getting another high performance car? It is clear that you cannot drive a powerful car. Work for your money, then buy a car for yourself, then see if you crash it. Or, catch the train.
  23. as i understand it he is planning on buying a R32 GTR with 'all the money he has saved up' - from his other thread. God help us all.
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