No not everyone is perfect. He is nothing of a professional.
But, all this slagging aside, there are reasons why people are posting here - for the good and protection of the general public, and, to protect the body of a brain so stupid it cannot seem to protect itself - MINES_DATSUN.
Lets look at his track record - two high power cars, two write-offs in two years of legal driving.
Lets not bullshit here - the boy cannot drive. That is expected, he is young and inexperienced. If he wants to be old (at all) and experienced, he'd better change his attitude quick smart.
All young males over estimate their driving ability. it is how God created us. Same way chicks always think they are better than they are (sorry a tangent, trying to get some lightheartedness in here). I overestimated my ability - probably still do. But I haven't written off any cars or had any accidents worth more than $1K.
So, what i am trying to say is, MINES_DATSUN, really take stock of your life - if you want to die, do it quietly and don't take anyone with you. I would never wish injury on anyone, please think carefully before getting behind the wheel of any car again any time soon.
Imagine you killed another human being.
Thanks for reading my 2c