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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. listen mate, stay the hell away from powerful cars for a couple of years before you kill yourself.
  2. hope you were testing on a private road...
  3. sorry missed that one. but thats not nice at all.
  4. No one on this forum would wish injury on anyone else. It is more a case of hoping he learns a valuable lesson from this. As someone has already posted, the boy has been obnoxious and childish with posts, and even though it is sad that a GTR was wrecked, maybe (though i doubt) he'll learn something.
  5. damn. the death of GTR is a sad day indeed. buy a mighty 'rolla - i had one as my first car and it felt fast. Maybe do some training before getting a fast car again. My mate has a '84 AE82 1.6 corolla for sale - 5g's
  6. Ronin 09

    new rims

    my buddy clubs are 9 and 10 kgs each ft and rear
  7. since bracks Vic has always smelled a little funky.
  8. Ronin 09

    new rims

    fat. nuff said.
  9. mine had no really big cast dags, but like anything flow related, if you can be bothered polishing etc it will be better. But time vs an extra couple of k-dubyas?
  10. I have heard that it takes a 'good' auto electrician 5 minutes to intercept the computer and change it. Could be wrong though.
  11. Not BBS - they never came in a split rim style like that... think they are jappo ones, but no more help than that sorry
  12. Ash, I might have to have a chat to you and find out who your turbo supplier is WE WANT PICS!
  13. hey I take full responsibility for not having my belt on - it is, and was stupid. Also, I'm not so much cop bashing, rather government bashing. It is their legislation that pushes police to have to meet a revenue quota. At the next election vote with your feet and feck off Bracks. Kennett 97/98 - 93.5million Bracks 03/04 - projected 427.5 million SHAME.
  14. So, I'm pulling out from the sidestreet that my gym is on, reaching for the seatbelt. Come out onto the main road, gas it and change into second (no wheelspin or any tyre noise). The BOV goes off, and i notice an unmarked had pulled someone over on the main road. The seatbelt tensioner is locked, so I have no belt on. The cop pulls me over. Tax Man: "why weren't you wearing a seatbelt?" "i just pulled out from the sidestreet, sorry was putting it on" Tax Man: "well thats not good enough. have you got a blow off valve on your car?" "yes" Tax Man: "they are illegal" "mine is a plumb back, and is factory" Tax Man: "it doesn't matter. have you modified your engine?" "no the engine internals are not modified. i have an exhaust on the car" Tax Man: "start it and rev it for me" -i start it and gas it to 4K, slowly easing off the throttle, no BOV noise Tax Man: "oh, well it's not going to make noise until you are driving" "ok nice one." -he proceeds to walk around the car 4 times. visually i have defectable - too loud exhaust, a-pillar gauges, boost controller, no 3rd brake light, windows too dark, BOV. Tax Man: "Are your headlights tinted?" "No they come from the factory like that. See behind the plastic? Its black, it makes the clear plastic look black too" Tax Man: "I don't think they are roadworthy" "I think they are" Tax Man: "Well I'm going to give you an infringement notice, 3pts and $135 for no seatbelt" "fine" Tax Man: "You're lucky, if one of my collegues pulled you over they would have given you a defect notice for your BOV. Get it sorted out OK?" "fine". No seatbelt? Fine, thats my own damn fault and while i'm pissed, i still accept it. But tinted headlights? C'mon! He was going to fine me regardless - either defect or seatbelt. I think he believes that he did worse by me by fining me - 3 points sucks. But if he actually popped the bonnet - hello defect. Lucky or not lucky? Victoria - the place to be... fined.
  15. here's some of mine http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...?t=28351&page=3 and on the next page
  16. SKY-000: I figured that you were SAU, next time i see you i'll give you a wave! Pred: no turbo because of lack of the folding stuff soon though, soon
  17. R31_Gurl - thanks, there are further plans, but a lack of the folding stuff B1 - Baron - I know you parked behind - when i went to look at your car the alarm cracked it at me hahaha people thought i was breaking into your car. Love the front end on your car - is it actually Schnitzer? ABuSD - will PM you soon cheers
  18. ...it means your car has a personality disorder
  19. yes mate, thanks. will give it a go
  20. Jordan, what do you want for the front seats?
  21. Danny, don't you need to show the BOV line the same pressure as what the diaphram is seeing (ie pressure of the intake pipes) to keep it closed? I'm not sure what you mean by the high flow solenoid being energized..?
  22. yeah well mine is behind the front bar, just under the headlight (basically a mirror of where the factory cooler would sit). You can just see it if you're looking for it
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