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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. Hey EverybodY! i'm getting an intercooler from ARE in queensland, and they offer 10% off if you can prove that you are a bona fide member of SAU... But, seeing that we haven't organized actual membership yet, how the hell am i going to do that? Any ideas? Hmmmm.... Any suggestions, as everyone likes to get something for a discount
  2. Everyone, if you got to Daalder in Box Hill, tell Matt that i sent ya and you're from the Skyline Club (I'm Marcus - i'm the one with the 108dB silver sky). He should look after you in terms of $$. BTW he is really proud of the silencer - just ask Pushead!
  3. franks, that what i thought... hope its not because he is such a nice guy.
  4. Pretty self explanatory, really. Does anyone know why Greenline Motorsports is closed until friday? Cheers
  5. aha, but now you have to make it happen
  6. sorry Squizz, didn't know you had one That is a beautiful ride - cleanest cefiro i've seen
  7. thats dedication for you. Looks sweet, but R34 rear clusters would be nicer and dunno about the raised 'skymera' lettering - a bit to hacky methinks.
  8. nah, where you used to have a hot-dog style resonator, there is a small muffler instead; keeps the dB right down and makes the exhaust virtually silent inside the car
  9. pred, what'd they cost ya at ice, and was that including the parts? Can PM me if you want
  10. Thats what i said. WE perpetuate the stereotype that import drivers suck thus should be targeted, through ignorance, contempt for the law and generally being arseholes to police. No, just re-read what i posted. I think you've misunderstood my remarks.
  11. Don't hang me. I have had my fair share of trouble with police, both in cars and out, and in court too. We all drive cars that attract alot of attention. We (almost) all have modifications that we know do not comply with regulations and laws. Fair enough. What you have to understand is, these laws and regulations are in place to protect Joe Average, who either does not have a passion for cars, or is simply too stupid for his/her own good; remember they exist for the lowest common denominator. So, when we are pulled over for being too low, too loud, putting out too many emissions etc etc, we all must be responsible for our modifications. I have been defected on my last car, and had to go to EPA for my current car. The modifications are a risk i am willing to take, purely for the fact that i enjoy the car. If i get 'caught', sure it is a hassle, but you deal with it and move on. Lastly (sorry for the rant), not every cop out there is an arsehole. The number of times i have been pulled over by a good cop are as many as bad. There are as many who have an interest in cars as us. We keep going on about how 'only imports get picked on' but who really knows how many s*itboxes get defected? Just be polite and plesant to them and they may do the same to you. If some smart arse, attitude packing little s*it gave me stick at my work i'd be pissed off too.
  12. Everybody stop for just one minute and think - yes use your brain in your head. Did it ever occur to you that WE are perpetrating the stereotype that "All import drivers are smart arses" by talking back, refusing simple requests etc etc? As a result the police officer thinks "well f*ck 'em, the next one i see i'll major defect". It's all atttitude. Just turn your egos down from 11 to about 4 and eat a piece of humble pie. It can do wonders. BTW, below is a post i wrote in another thread where a fellow enthusiast was major defected.
  13. looks well done and could almost pass for factory How much for the radio controlled gloria in front of the clown? You took the idea of radio controlled Williams BMW F1 cars one step too far...
  14. not on the topic, but nice new carbon fibre bonnet on your car!
  15. http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.a...sp?StockID=1196 that plate has to be worth a pretty penny in Japan...?
  16. Don't hang me. I have had my fair share of trouble with police, both in cars and out, and in court too. We all drive cars that attract alot of attention. We (almost) all have modifications that we know do not comply with regulations and laws. Fair enough. What you have to understand is, these laws and regulations are in place to protect Joe Average, who either does not have a passion for cars, or is simply too stupid for his/her own good; remember they exist for the lowest common denominator. So, when we are pulled over for being too low, too loud, putting out too many emissions etc etc, we all must be responsible for our modifications. I have been defected on my last car, and had to go to EPA for my current car. The modifications are a risk i am willing to take, purely for the fact that i enjoy the car. If i get 'caught', sure it is a hassle, but you deal with it and move on. Lastly (sorry for the rant), not every cop out there is an arsehole. The number of times i have been pulled over by a good cop are as many as bad. There are as many who have an interest in cars as us. We keep going on about how 'only imports get picked on' but who really knows how many s*itboxes get defected? Just be polite and plesant to them and they may do the same to you. If some smart arse, attitude packing little s*it gave me stick at my work i'd be pissed off too. umm, again, don't hang me. Oh, and after hi-jacking your thread, Chris, i am really sorry you got done. Hope you get it all sorted really soon
  17. Sweet, thanks james
  18. nah, most cars have a second muffler, and it is tucked away under the body work.
  19. james, i still have to exchange my MED for a SML. I can meet you, let me know - PM or call me 0402 085 360
  20. B-Man, just another note that may help you, Greddy actually have an adapter you can buy for about 100 bucks through greenline that allows you to run the factory throttle. I believe the factory throttle is good for at least 400hp or so... but you may want to go to a 90mm or something - sub zero have them i believe.
  21. yep, you're right there. i'm assuming that the idea with the after market BOVs is that they release 'quicker' than the stocker, so as not slowing the turbine down at all. But still the stocker is easily capable (ie will not bleed boost or leak) of up to about 18psi - well more than the stock turbo will ever be able to cope with anyway
  22. are the HKS one plastic bodied?
  23. so let me get this straight - even a power FC cracks the poos if the idler control is not there with the Greddy plenum??
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