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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. My 3rd brake light doesn't work anyway. I think one of the banks of LEDs is gone; never had any trouble with cops. Friski, you mentioned in your second post that the price may include fitting... so does it include painting? If it does, will the raw fiberglass ones cost less (assuming we paint n fit ourselves in VIC)? Cheers for answering the questions
  2. sounds like a nice car mate. But to all the newbies who are just joining us, please observe the headings of the forums and post 'For Sales' in the 'For Sale section etc; don't just post wherever you end up. Cheers
  3. friski come back! too many ppl with too many questions... well actually just me n lethal lol
  4. Leon.T was after a S2 wing, but i got first dibs if he wants one! muhahaha
  5. Hey Friski, if we're group buying and shipping to melb is not too exxy, put me down for a definate. Just let us know how much to send to melb! Cheers
  6. pft... my old corolla could do 10s... But seriously, they're some quick times in street trim. Keep up the work, Ice boys! Must come down and get some work done... need more fastness!
  7. Try the new Castrol Formula R stuff? Next oil change thats what is going in my car.
  8. If you're tinting the lenses, i agree remove them. Then take em to panel beater and get them to clear coat them and bake them so they 1 - don't have a crap matt finish and 2 - stays on and doesn't chip off
  9. hey james, how do you want me to get that MED back to you?
  10. i think the evo is the 3.2. The difference between the US M3 and ours was we got the 6 throttle top-model and they got a single throttled detuned version, more like the 328i overbored to 3L... similar to the current 3.0 in the 330Ci and alike.
  11. My mate has an E46 M3, and believe me it is a crazy machine. I would not say it is a lesser car than a GTR, simply a different car. What you say about it being luxo may be true, but underneath it there is still a very hard sports car. Consider that both the E36 and E46 M3s were PCOTY at Motor. In terms of driving, the M3 is exactly as people describe - instant throttle response, feelsome and talkative steering etc etc, and boy do they drift well in standard form! There may be nothing like the sound of a turbo spooling, wastegate opening and bellow of an RB26, but once you hear a 3.2 BMW M52 engine at 7000RPM the hairs on your back will stand up. Remember it is one of the most celebrated straight six engines in the world. The E36 is a bit of the unloved child of the M3 family; it didn't have the fat guards of the E30 or E46, and was a bit of a sleeper in comparison. But the underlying mechanicals are basically the same as the E46 less the tricky diff and SMG update. OK, the motor is supposedly all new, but the basic architecture and design remain. I like the more Q-car look of the E36. And yes i would give my right leg to have either a GTR or M3 in my driveway. Hope that dribble helps.
  12. The only place that used to sell them was a place in melb that closed down.... they were like $150 a pair but were marked up heaps. I got mine for like 70 bucks a pair from Hong Kong. There must be someone around in Aust (even a mail order place) that can get them for under a hundred bucks
  13. Bosch Silver Evolution. I have em in my R33 and they look great. They produce a perfectly white beam, with just a tiny touch of purple. Never had any cop trouble with them.
  14. People have said that the TT is hard to work on, because of the crampt engine bay. That said my mate has a TT and he reckons its not too bad. But like Waz said, appearances count for alot; if you like the look, then that may be enough.
  15. you have got to be kidding... no-one had one of these?
  16. James! Can i swap my MEDIUM and can you get me a small?? Remember i was after a small in the first place... If its too much trouble thats cool though.
  17. so that basically replaces the 'over-the-cam-cover' intake part and replaces it with the front facing RB26 intake, much like the Greddy unit? where is your throttle body then? as i'm aware there is no facility to bolt it onto the front of the RB26 intake, unless you have a plate welded on and adapted to take the RB25 throttle body? cheers JNR24
  18. but aren't RB26 injectors low impedance and RB25 injectors high impedance? This will confuse the ECU won't it? Again i'm just speculating, best check with Sam or Gerald or Sydneykid - someone who knows! ... disclaimer in signature Otherwise go to a Greddy front facing plenum, get a custom fuel rail made and get top feed injectors - they're cheaper than the side feeds RB25s need
  19. Ash, will the ECU cope? Might have to run a programmable or PowerFC? I know the head design is a bit different, but u would think it should fit ok.
  20. rs73, if you're after STOCK or MAINTENANCE parts for your skyline, i know nunawading nissan parts dept can get it for you. By memory when i went in there the guy said they can look up your chassis number on a japanese database and get the exact parts etc that your require - it just takes a little time. Hope that helps.
  21. i was hoping that they can be shut up a little; my current exhaust is 108dB so it can't be that bad. Does anyone have actual experience with them? Someone has to out there!
  22. Anyone had experience with these mufflers? I am considering changing to one of these just to be a little bit different to the standard 5" tiped jap-boy exhaust (oh yes i have one of these already) www.supertrappind.com I think they look nice.
  23. ex_zero, have a read of this: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...&threadid=20576
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