Endless are mega $$$!
JimX, lets be honest - for the money, the performance of the RBs are up there with some of the best. Yeah the sqeal (i have slotted rotors and RB74s) but not nearly as bad as my old car, a E30 BMW 323i. It had piddly little rotors and single pot calipers but it never faded at the track (don't put RB74s in the back, they are REALLY noisy there). Once they are hot, they tend to keep relatively quiet.
They require quite a technique to keep quiet - either feather the brakes or full-on. But believe me, you will be able to live with them - they DO NOT squeal all the time.
Another downside you might want to consider is the better the performance of the pad, (generally) they will eat rotors. RB74s eat rotors. It is not really an issue to me as they will go for 50K kays before they need replacing. You may want to factor that in if you are doing alot of track work.
In terms of performance, i did about 8 100-0k/hr stops on the freeway when bedding them in, and there was literally zero fade; just on the last 2 a little puff of smoke.
After all that ranting, hey, don't trust me, just try them. They are easy to change yourself, and for about 100 bucks, you can always junk them if you don't like them (or send em to me coz i need some new ones!).
Oh and one last thing, make sure you use some decent brake fluid; i've got Motul dot 5.1 (methinks, but will check in the morning for ya)