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Ronin 09

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Everything posted by Ronin 09

  1. I had Race Brake RB74 pads and DBA slotted rotors on my old car, an E30 3 series BMW. Brake performace was awesome, it would stand on its nose stop after stop. Noisy as hell though, gratey from cold and generally a bastard of a brake pad, but stopped well. Am going to do the same setup on my R33 in the next 2 weeks. Standard R33 GTS-t pads and discs are s*it.
  2. I have a Trust Airnx filter, and it is one of the foam type filters. It does a good job of keeping out pebbles and small stones, but i'm convinced that it lets anything smaller than that through. It is damn loud, wooshing and fuffling like a mad dog. I had a K&N on my old car, and it was a much more pleasant sound - deep and tough sounding intake and probably filtered alot better... thinking of changing back to a K&N,
  3. Sorry Merli, i think i confused everyone abit. I want to put R33 GTR rims on my R33 GTS-T, and now i know they fit fine. Thanks. That link above shows R34 GTR rims on a R33 GTS-T and they don't fit properly. I think that clears everything up. Now i just need to find the $$ to get the R33 GTR rims!
  4. Sorry, yeah, R33 GTS-T with R33 GTR rims...
  5. Thanks everyone who has replied to the post. Thanks Dark, i remember looking at that thread. That R33 has 34 rims on it though, and they do look a bit too wide. Someone surely has a R33 GTS-t with GTR rims with a pic? I guess i should just try a set on and see how they fit first.
  6. Merli, got any pics of your GTR rims on your GTS-t?
  7. Boost, i think that answers the question. There is no way an inch could be taken off the hub (even half from the wheel and half from the hub sounds like too much), so i guess i'll just have to save up and get those Volk racing rims...
  8. Thanks Mik, but i daresay there wouldn't be alot of meat on the hubs? Anyone have any idea if this can be done and how much meat can be taken off the hub?
  9. All the posts i've read and people i've spoken to think that they will sit too far outside the guards; has anyone got a picture of what it looks like with R33 GTR or R34 GTR rims?
  10. As much as cops annoy me, i gotta say that there are some real RS-holes for cops... Give you a hard time, ask just plain stupid questions: i was once warming my car up outside my work, which is a silver service restaurant. I'm wearing my full uniform, gay bow-tie and white apron. Cop says "where you been tonight'? -and are just plain rude. BUT understand that they have a job to do too, and there are some (few?!) who DO see that the car laws suck and are lenient about fines etc etc... when you come across them it does make you feel better about all the others you've had to deal with. So, i'f they're RSholes, ignore them just i think some are OK. As for parking "officers"... scum of the earth. my 2 cents.
  11. There has been alot of people who have wanted to fit rims with a R33 GTR offset to a GTS-T. Does anyone know if it is possible to remove or shave a little (eg 10mm) off the wheel where it mounts to the hub to change the offset? So in effect bringing the wheel back inside the arch...?
  12. I was looking for the Mine's Website and stumbled across this page which has heaps of links to virtually any after market car component website you might care to visit. Hope it is useful. http://www.optauto.com/webstore/view_page.....asp?page_id=11 -m
  13. Sven, got your PM, give me a call when you are back in Melbourne and we'll come see the car. 0402 085 360
  14. If i can't get in for the 1st (i'll come down anyway and try my luck), i'll put myself in now for the 8th. Chances are i'll not be able to get in the 1st, so yes, i'm definate. -m
  15. Yeah, i think that they finally figured out that the red and blue square lights in the rear windscreen and the two hanging off the rear view mirror were a touch obvious to those like us who keep their eyes open... Maybe we should suggest a (legal) window tint for the 'unmarked but clearly distingushable' cars
  16. How does that figure? I would have though that all things equal a black surface would end up absorbing more heat than a (matt) aluminium surface...
  17. As above, is the dump a Trust Item? Does it bolt up to the trust front pipe as i already have that. If so i will take it. I have PM'd you.
  18. Doc, i've sent you a email, i called today about any spots left for the Dyno day. Let me know, -m
  19. Are you still selling these? I am after the dump... is it also a Trust item? Stainless?
  20. Benm, search the threads for 'exhaust' and see if there are any recommended in Perth. I would get a custom dump and front pipe made for your car instead of getting the Nismo one, as it will be heaps cheaper and do as good a job. Because your Nismo cat back is already pretty quiet, the addition of the dump and front pipe shouldn't add too much dB. Or you could get a premade dump and front pipe from somewhere like Japanese Motorsport, they have stainless dump pipes for 350 and stainless front pipes for 350. Just make sure they will bolt up to the cat converter in the factory position (assuming you have the stock cat) -cheers m
  21. Hey Shiro, M3s rock... i was looking at a E30 M3 instead of my R33... the E46 is the business. Didn't mean to dis the M3, i just don't have the 130K extra to get one
  22. Another question; isn't is true that the further from the turbo the restriction (eg the rear silencer) the less effect on back pressure and HP? So if you do the dump and front pipe in a decent size (say 4") then run a high flow cat and legal 3" cat back it should be better than running say a stock dump and front pipe with a 3.5" cat back?
  23. DJ, Just remember that they will fix all the dints etc for you because it will cost them more or less nothing. Its all good and well if it looks good, but the most important thing (in my eye) is that it is mechanically sound. A cooked turbo is very expensive. I can live with a couple of dents, as long as i know the engine/turbo/gearbox/diff won't s*it itself. just my 2c BTW, check your PM
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